Page 56 of Counted
Leo was a smart, thoughtful guy who’d always put on an air of laughing nonchalance to hide the parts of himself he didn’t want the world to see. He sat down in a chair near Jude’s. “It’s been ages. I assumed you’d decided to be a hermit for the rest of your life, but then I heard a rumor that you actually got married.”
“I did.” Jude nodded toward the counter where Eve was picking up their cups.
Leo turned to look. “Good job, man.”
Jude was rather embarrassed by a wash of pleased pride as Eve approached. She was beautiful and intelligent and interesting and desirable and incredibly kindhearted.
His wife.
She handed him his coffee and sat down, squeezing into the chair beside him.
“Do you know Leo?” he asked her.
She shook her head and smiled at the other man. “I know you by sight, but I don’t think we’ve ever met. I’m Eve Carlyle.”
“Leo Magnussen. I was in school with Jude since kindergarten. So you grew up in Green Valley? I can’t figure out why we haven’t run into each other before.”
“I’m five years younger,” she explained. “And I was pretty quiet. I liked to stay under the radar. But you’re married to Lily, aren’t you?”
“Yes.” Leo smiled, glancing down at the ring on his left hand. “Lily is my wife.”
“I took piano lessons with the same teacher as her, so we had a few recitals together. I wasn’t nearly as good as she was, but she might remember who I am.”
“I’ll ask her later today. So tell me the story of your life, Eve Carlyle. Are you related to Lance? My twin brother works with him now. But what I mostly want to know is how Gregory managed to convince you to marry him.”
Eve laughed at that, as she was supposed to, and the three of them chatted for more than thirty minutes.
Jude actually enjoyed himself. Leo still pretended to not take life seriously, but he didn’t use it as armor like he used to. He seemed different. More mature. And it was nice to talk to an old friend.
It had been a long time since Jude had done so.
Eventually Leo had to leave, but he said he’d be in touch. Maybe the two of them could have dinner sometime with him and Lily. Eve sounded enthusiastic, and even Jude decided it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
After Leo left, he and Eve hung out for another half hour, finishing their drinks and reclining in the chair together, occasionally talking but not always.
Until finally Eve said, “Well.”
“I guess we can go.”
Jude’s stomach dropped. “Yeah.”
She peered at him. “Your dad will be back and settled by now.”
“Yeah.” He shifted in his seat.
“I’m not trying to nag you or anything.”
“I know you’re not.”
“I really do think you’ll feel better if you get it over with.”
“I will. You’re right.” He took a long, slightly shaky breath. “I’m just…”