Page 68 of Counted
He returned her enthusiasm, leaning down enough to deepen the kiss, pleasure slamming into him as her tongue darted into his mouth and her soft body pressed snug against his.
She was so into the embrace that soon she was practically crawling up his body. He hefted her by the hips, lifting her so that she could wrap her legs around his waist, her full skirt bunching up toward her thighs as she did.
She was short and small-boned, so she wasn’t much of a weight. He easily carried her over toward an empty wall and pressed her against it to give him enough support to pull out of the kiss and check her face.
“You’re good, right?” he asked her, looking for signs of disorientation or fogginess in her expression.
She frowned up at him. “Of course I’m good. I thought we were going to fuck.”
“We are. I just want to make sure…” He cleared his throat, feeling suddenly self-conscious. Strangely young. “I don’t want to take advantage of you if you’ve had too much to drink.”
She relaxed and laughed irresistibly. She had her hands around the back of his neck. “I’m definitely a little tipsy but not enough to not know what I’m doing. I want to do this with you, Jude. Do you really believe I don’t?”
He had no reason to think she didn’t enjoy having sex with him, but this felt different somehow. He wasn’t entirely sure why. “I was just making sure.”
“You’re really the sweetest thing.” Her expression was full of deep affection. “I have no idea why I didn’t realize it a long time ago.”
The words were so close to his previous reflections that it stunned him. He wasn’t sure what to do with the feeling, so he kissed her instead.
Soon his mind was filled with nothing but Eve. How much he wanted her and how good she felt as she responded to the embrace.
They kissed for a long time, and Jude was aroused from the very beginning. Eventually his erection became a throbbing compulsion in his pants, and Eve was grinding against it, squeezing him in the clasp of her legs.
If they kept it up much longer, he was going to come from nothing but this. He knew it for sure, and he’d rather not lose it so quickly, so he secured his grip on her and carried her into the bedroom.
“We were doing good like that,” she said, pressing little kisses all over his face as he walked.
“We were doing way too good. I was about to lose it, and there’s too much height difference between us to make that position practical for more than kissing.”
“Humph.” She gave him a pouting face, obviously teasing. “Who wants to be practical?”
He chuckled and laid her down on the bed, immediately toeing off his shoes and moving over her. “We don’t have to bepractical. But I want to make sure this is good for you, and we wouldn’t have lasted more than a minute if I tried to fuck you like that.”
She cupped his face with both hands as he propped himself up over her. “It will probably take me more than a minute.”
“I know that. That’s why I moved to the bed.”
“You think of everything. How are you so good at taking care of me?” Her gaze was warm and fond.
It shook him. “I don’t know,” he managed to say, a lot of gravel in his voice. “But it’s only fair since you’ve always taken care of me.”
They stared at each other, and the intensity of the unspoken feeling was almost too much for him. He lowered his face so he could kiss her, and the distraction was a relief.
Soon they were passionately devouring each other. Eve was clawing at his clothes and rocking up into him. She didn’t actually get any of his clothes off, but it didn’t matter. He bunched the skirt of her dress up to her hips so he could feel between her legs.
She must have taken her underwear off in the bathroom, because there was no barrier between her and his fingers. He stroked her, breathless and excited to discover she was already turned on. Warm and soft and wet.
He’d been mouthing the pulse in her throat, but he moved to her mouth again, kissing her as he slid two fingers inside her, matching the thrust of his tongue with the thrust of his fingers.
She gasped against his mouth, her body tensing and her back arching dramatically. He pumped rhythmically, her wet inner walls clinging to his fingers and her intimate muscles starting to flutter.
She’d been sucking in air through her nose, but she finally jerked her head to the side, making a helpless sound of pleasure as her hips started riding his hand.
He kissed his way down her neck until he found her pulse again. “That’s right, angel,” he murmured, his head filled with so much pleasure it felt like his eyes and ears were throbbing. “You’re doing so good. You can let go. I want you to feel good.”
She made a soft sobbing sound and clawed at the back of his neck. “Jude. Jude, I’m so close.”
“Yes. You can come. I want you to come. Let go. I’ve got you.” He wasn’t sure where the words came from. He’d never been particularly verbal in bed before Eve. But he wanted to do more than touch her, more than climax inside her. He wanted to connect with her. He wanted to make sure he was giving her everything she needed.