Page 52 of Restoration
“O...kay.” I’m not sure how I manage to articulate the last word because the darkness is rising in my head again.
This time it takes over, and I don’t remember anything else.
THE SUN IS RISING THEnext time I come to any sort of awareness.
I blink into the pink-and-orange light of the sunrise, trying to orient myself and wondering why I evidently slept outside.
An ache in my throat and a sour taste in my mouth bring the previous day flooding back into my mind. It feels like a nightmare.
But it’s the next morning now, and I made it through the whole night without being sick. That alone feels like a miracle.
As soon as I sniff and lift my head, someone stirs beside me.
“Y’okay, baby?” he mumbles.
“Yeah.” My voice is weirdly scratchy. I try to sit up, but the most I can do is raise my shoulders slightly. “I think I’m okay.”
Edmund has been lying on the blanket beside me. Not under the covers like me but on top of them. He sits up, rubbing his face and smoothing back his wildly rumpled hair. “How do you feel?”
“Like I’ve been through a war.” I drop my head back to my pillow, utterly exhausted. “But I don’t feel sick right now. So maybe that part is over.”
“Thank God,” he mutters, reaching over to caress my cheek with his knuckles. “You’re still really pale.”
“I’m always pale.” I attempt a little smile.
“Not like this. But you do look better than yesterday. Are you hungry? Can you drink something?”
“I think I need to pee first. If I can manage to haul myself to my feet.”
Edmund stands up and then leans over to help me. It’s not easy, but I manage to get upright and can limp slowly with the help of Edmund’s supportive arm.
Once I go to the bathroom, I tell Edmund I want to sit up for a while, so he gets me back to my rock seat by the firepit since it has a back to lean against.
My brain clears as I sit there, breathing and assessing my condition. Edmund brings me coconut water, and I sip it slowly.