Page 1 of Beautiful Dangerous
The wind whistles through the open window as we speed into the night, the sound of distant gun shots still ringing loud in my ears. Wiping the palm of my hand on my torn, mud-splattered jeans I wrap my fingers back around the gun and lean out of the window, looking behind us, but I can’t see anything. I think we might’ve lost them, for now. But the coast’s anything but clear.
“How long ’til we reach the airfield?” I sit back down, still holding tightly onto the gun.
“Almost there. Another five minutes, max.”
I close my eyes and take the deepest of breaths, but all that does is exacerbate the pain in my shoulder where the bullet grazed it.
“You need to get that seen to.”
I raise an eyebrow. “You think? You want to take a detour via the hospital?”
I’m aware that sarcasm and a smart mouth aren’t entirely helpful right now, but it’s all I’ve got.
“What?” My fingers tighten their grip on the gun as I look in the rear view mirror. “Fuck!”
Kneeling up on the seat I twist around so most of my upper half is hanging out of the window and, ignoring the pain tearing through my shoulder, I point the gun out in front of me as the headlights grow closer, flashing their deadly threat.
“Here. Take this.”
I quickly turn around, shove the gun down the back of my jeans and pick up the rifle.
“Take the tires out. That’ll buy us some time.”
My first shot hits the front tire, but it also invites another round of retaliation, a hail of bullets ricocheting off the back of the truck. But I don’t hesitate, don’t take another breath, I fire off another round, taking out the second front tire,the pick-up now swerving dangerously, sparks flying up from the tarmac as it careers across the road.
“I can see the airfield! Here!” He throws the radio into my lap. “Tell them to stand by.”
I pick up the radio, issue the instruction, and then I sit back and finally take a breath, my eyes focused on the lights of the airfield as they draw closer.
Behind us I can still hear weapons being fired, the incessant rattling of their machine-guns, they’re not giving up without a fight. But I never thought they would.
“We’re almost there. Just a few more minutes and we’ll be out of here.”
I look at him, and I smile, despite the pain now coursing down my left arm. He’s right. Just a few more minutes…
“The product arrived safely. Eddie’s men have already collected it and taken it to the warehouse, they’re preparing for distribution as we speak.” Lucca tucks his gun down the back of his jeans and moves further into the room. “Do you need me for anything else?”
I lean back against the desk and cross my arms. “No.”
“Have you eaten yet?”
I shake my head, my eyes dropping to my ridiculously high, spike-heeled Louboutin ankle boots.
“You need to eat, Liv.”
“I’ve been busy.”
Pulling myself away from the desk I walk over to the window, my arms still crossed over my chest.
“I could make us something. I do a mean chili. Come on, you love my chili!”