Page 11 of Toy Boy
“I’ve got somewhere else to be.”
“Okay, well, I’ll hopefully see you around.”
Highly likely. This town isn’t all that big.
“And if you’re passing the café some time, you should stop by again and try some more of our stuff. Megan lets me and Graham – he also works in the kitchen atFlowers– experiment with dishes all the time. We change the menu on a regular basis, and right now I’ve developed the best lemon and lime cheesecake you’ll ever taste.”
“Even if you do say so yourself.” I smirk, and she laughs quietly, she looks almost shy now. And I’m not sure I’m sending her the right message because I’m getting that she’s far more interested in me than I am in her, but, whatever. She seems like a great girl. And what’s the harm in making friends while I’m here? Even if I never see them again, once I finally get out of Beachcastle Bay, it might make my stay here a little easier. More pleasant, even.
“Hey. If I don’t have confidence in my own food, how can I possibly expect other people to give it a go?”
“Well, you might just have convinced me. Who doesn’t like cheesecake, huh?”
She smiles at me, and I think she’d like to carry this conversation on but I’m not up for that. I didn’t come here, for that.
“Anyway, I should get going. Good to meet you, Hanna.”
“Yeah. You too.” She’s disappointed I’m leaving so soon, I get that, but I’m not really in the mood to stick around, to be honest. I’ve got too much on my mind, some time alone might be a better idea. There could well be too many distractions here.
Pushing my way through the growing crowd inside the bar, out onto the slightly less crowded terrace, I make my way down to the water’s edge, sliding my hands into my pockets as I walk. And then I stop, and turn around, glancing back at the bar on the beach. It looks pretty, from back here, the myriad of coloured lights piercing the darkness. And I smile to myself. There are worse places I could’ve come to. But, then again, I didn’t choose to come here. That decision was taken out of my hands. I’m here in Beachcastle Bay because I have to be. I have to be…
I love coming to the Farmer’s Market. We buy a lot of the café’s fresh produce from the vendors here, because supporting local businesses is important. And getting here early is a must, to have the biggest choice of fruit, vegetables, and some of the best artisan bread for miles. I love the atmosphere at this time of day, there’s something quite peaceful and calming about being one of the few people up and about. It’s one of the rare times when my brain isn’t full of work and bills and what to cook for dinner, even though it’s only me who’s eating it.
After dropping the food off at the café, I leave Graham and Hanna to prep breakfast, and Iona to set up the tables, and I grab a takeaway coffee and head down onto the beach. It’s gloriously quiet, the sun’s only been up a couple of hours, and apart from some early morning dog walkers and runners, I’m the only one here.
Sitting down on the sand, I pull my knees up and sip my coffee, staring out to sea as above me seagulls screech and the waves lap lightly against the shore. I do this most mornings, weather permitting, have done ever since I bought my little pale blue terraced cottage just behind the harbour. Who wouldn’t want to make the most of living and working so close to the sea?
“Small world, huh?”
His voice startles me, and I look up as he – Xander, that was his name, wasn’t it? – sits down next to me.
“I guess so.” I glance at the surfboard lying next to him on the sand. “That yours?”
“Yeah. I thought I’d grab an hour or so out there while it’s nice and quiet. Might go out again in a little while, if I’ve got time. Do you want a go?”
“I told you, I’m going nowhere near a surf board. Besides, I’ve got to get back to the café. It’s almost time to open up for breakfast.”
“You’ve only just got here.”
I narrow my eyes slightly. How did he know that? “Have you been watching me?”
He looks a little offended at that accusation, but you can’t be too careful, can you?
“I was walking along the beach and I saw you coming down from the harbour.”
“I’m sorry, ignore me.” I shake my head and take another sip of coffee. “I’m a bit on edge, that’s all. I got some news yesterday that wasn’t exactly good and it’s – well, it’s kind of put me on my guard.”
He frowns and stares out ahead of him, his hands clasped together between his knees. “Well, if you want to talk about it…” He looks at me and smiles. “I’m a good listener.”
I return his smile, and finish my coffee. “I’m sure you are. But it’s fine. It’s nothing I can’t handle.” I glance at my watch. “And I really do have to go now.” I pull myself to my feet and brush the sand from my jeans. “You have a good day.”
“Yeah. You too.”
I start walking away from him, back towards the harbour.