Page 30 of The Bodyguard
“We don’t have to be all over each other constantly for people to believe we’re a couple. I’ve always thought subtly was a lot more classy than public displays of affection.”
His eyebrow inches up again. “Classy, huh?”
I narrow my eyes as I stare at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
The corner of his mouth starts to twitch, is he fucking smirking?
“It meant nothing, Lena.”
His expression changes, that almost-there-smirk starts to fade away, and our eyes lock.
“We should get back to the party. People will be wondering where we are.” I’m the first to drop my gaze, and I start rummaging around in my handbag, for some inexplicable reason. I have no idea what I’m supposed to be looking for. “Come on.” I look up and move towards him, and he frowns slightly.
“You’re not gonna slap me again, are you?”
“No.” I reach out and gently cup his cheek, turning his head, just a touch.
“What are you doing?”
“Just checking I haven’t done any obvious damage.”
“I’ve experienced far worse, believe me. I’m fine.”
I drop my hand and step back from him. “I know you are.”
He smiles, just a small one, but at least it isn’t a smirk. “Are you alright?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
He shrugs again. “No reason.”
Did he feel it, too? I blame the carpets in this place. If you’re wearing the wrong shoes you can get one hell of a – albeit very brief – electric shock. My fingers are still tingling.
“Let’s go. I could do with a drink.” I stop walking, and roll my eyes. “And before you say anything, I’ll take it slow, okay?”
He smiles again, slips his hands into his pockets, and falls into step beside me, gently nudging my shoulder, and I find myself looking at him, and I’m smiling too, I can’t help it.
“Did you mean what you said?” I ask, and he cocks his head to one side.
“Mean what?”
“Do I really look super-hot?”
His smile widens, and as we walk back into the drinks reception he reaches for my hand, and this time I let him take it. And he squeezes it, casts me a brief glance, and nods. And again I feel a hot flush warm my skin, I mean, come on, a little confidence boost every now and again never hurts, does it? Even if I’m not entirely sure he means it. He just wants some kind of truce between us, to make both our lives that little bit easier. I think, maybe, that’s what I want, too.
“I’ll go get us some drinks.” Bodie lets go of my hand and strides over to the bar, without even asking what I want, but I don’t really care. As long it’s strong and alcoholic, I’ll take it.
“Everything okay?”
Ollie sidles up alongside me, a bottle of expensive Danish beer dangling from his fingertips.
“Why wouldn’t it be?” I ask, my gaze focused on Bodie at the bar; at the way almost every woman within sight of him has their head turned, unable to keep their eyes off him, and that makes me feel almost – what? Smug? He’s only pretending to be my boyfriend, none of this shit is real.
Some of it is. Some of it’s very real. Just, notthatpart…