Page 60 of Ordinary Girl
“What doyouthink?” I smile, laying the helmet down on the bike seat. “Thanks for the lift.”
I head into the clubhouse, ignoring the looks I’m getting, but secretly I’m pleased. My new look is making an impact.
It’s quite quiet inside, just a few of the guys hanging out: a handful of club girls. But I know Joel is here, I saw his bike outside. Maybe he’s in a meeting with Skip or something.
“Woah!” Kit whistles when he catches sight of me. “Where didyoucome from?”
I can’t help smiling, because the attention, it’s nice. I used to hate it, when I didn’t want to be around these men: when I didn’t trust them. Things are changing, though. And some of those things, I can’t control them.
“I fancied a change. A new start and all that.”
“Suits you, but, man, you look so fucking different!”
“Back the fuck off, Kit.”
I spin around to see Joel standing there, in the clubhouse doorway, his eyes fixed firmly on Kit. And he keeps them on Kit until he’s backed away, only then does he finally shift his gaze to me.
“You okay?” he asks, and his expression doesn’t flicker. He doesn’t acknowledge my new look. Doesn’t let it show that he’s noticed anything different about me.
“Of course I’m okay. We were only talking.”
“You need to be careful. You can’t always trust this lot.”
“And I can trust you, can I?”
He pauses for a second, a slight frown forming. “Yes, you can trust me. You know you can.”
I move a little closer, my eyes locked on his. “We fucked, Joel. And neither of us seems to be choosing to acknowledge that. We’ve barely spoken one word to each other since.”
“That kind of language doesn’t suit you, Ana.”
“You don’t know me. For some reason everyone seems to think I’m this weak woman who can’t look after herself: who’s scared of this shit, but I’m not. I ran my own business. I had a fucking life, Joel…”
“Jesus, Ana…” He turns his head: rakes a hand through his hair.
“You didn’t regret what happened between us–”
“Not here.” His eyes burn into mine, his face serious. “I’ve got things to do.”
What the hell was that?
I watch him walk away, down the corridor that leads to Skip’s office; the chapel; the rooms these men sleep in if need be. And I lean back against the wall, raise my gaze to the ceiling, and close my eyes. That didn’t go quite how I’d planned it. But that’s the way my life is now. And I’m beginning to realize there isn’t a lot I can do about that.
“What the fuck…?” Skip throws himself back in his seat. “Ana’s fuckingdad?”
“I don’t know for sure. I’m just trying to piece shit together.”
“Jesus… Do you think she has any idea?”
“I don’t think she has a clue. She hasn’t seen him since she was five years old, I doubt she’d even know what he looks like.”
“Might explain a lot, though. He could be blaming us for Sofia’s death: could be helping the Hawks plan some kind of retribution…”
Skip gets up, kicking his chair back. “Then we need to hit first. And fast.”