Page 15 of Too Lethal to Love
The words wouldn’t form on her tongue. Plenty of tingles did, even though she didn’t want to talk about the humiliating,post-nightmare kiss that had left her aching for more. Biting her lip, she willed her caution tape not to unravel around the tempting super soldier.
She eyed the man whose job was to run into danger on a regular basis. “I’m a target. There’s not just one, but two potential threats in my life. Leave it to me to be an overachiever with not just a stalker but a cartel member after me. Whoever protects me is a potential target too.”
Well, there were three potential threats if she included herself. How could she not? History didn’t lie. Neither did numbers.
“Don’t worry about me.” He took her hand and placed it on the front of his thigh. “Feel that?”
“Yeah.” The confession skated out on a harsh breath.
“Your tax dollars literally made me for this shit, Beth. Take advantage of it.”
The back door slammed open. “Get your asses in here.”
Kane muttered a curse as Edgar barked at them from the doorway. “We aren’t done with this discussion, sugarplum.”
The cold air hit her like a ball of ice as they separated.
Edgar scowled at them as they entered, a cup of coffee in his hand. “Are you two done arguing?”
“Yes, Admiral.” Kane wrapped his arm around Beth’s shoulders. “She’s decided to accept my help.”
She opened her mouth to say she’d never said such a thing, but Scarlett blew out a long sigh. “Good. I’ll worry so much less while we’re gone. But I’ll stay if you want me to.”
“No, I want you to go.” Scarlett had missed so much growing up under her stepfather’s iron rule. The boarding schools he’d sent her to didn’t have football games and school dances. She’d never even gone to a prom. What kind of friend would she be if she asked Scarlett to miss her first vacation with her fiancé? “Enjoy your trip and don’t worry.”
Kane squeezed her shoulder. “Looks like we’re a couple for the next few days.”
She scurried from under his arm. “Couple?” Oh, hell no. She was already North Benson’s biggest source of gossip. She didn’t need to add fuel to the yule log. “I never agreed to that.”
He tapped his chest and winked. “I have it on good authority that I’m an excellent date.”
“The party is a fundraiser. It’s black tie. There’s no time to get you a tuxedo.”
“I’ve got a dress uniform. That’s better.”
Dear Lord. Kane in a dress uniform might be the death of her. Or him, if she couldn’t keep her hands—and her heart—to herself.
Edgar tipped his coffee cup toward Beth. “Dating isn’t a bad idea. We can be sure the Diablos did their research and know your connection to VIPER. They don’t know the team’s full proficiencies, but they know what the public does. If Kane acts solely like your security detail, they might think we’ve uncovered Chavez’s identity and task someone else we know nothing about to abduct you.”
“But if they’ve been watching me, they would know Kane’s not my boyfriend.”
Scarlett picked up discarded plates and cups. “But it makes sense he could be. You’ve been spending time with him, me, and the team for several weeks now. There’s a history.”
“Your bestie is right.” Kane nudged Beth under the mistletoe above the door and brushed her ear with his lips. “Ready to deck the halls with me, sugarplum?”
Beth stomped out of the kitchen. Kane watched her perfect sequined ass until she turned out of view.
Scarlett sighed. “Give her some space until she wraps her head around all this, okay?”
Kane nodded. She could have all the space she needed in this house, but once they left for her hometown, he’d be glued to her side whether she liked it or not. As VIPER’s therapist liked to point out, his past didn’t just leave him with a responsibility to protect those he might leave behind but also those he cared about.
Edgar pulled his keys from his pocket. “My gut tells me this is just the beginning of her troubles. Keep her safe until we figure out this cake stealer, stalker, cartel mess.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Thank you, Admiral.” Scarlett clasped both of her hands around his. “I appreciate you taking the threat seriously.”