Page 76 of Too Lethal to Love
The cartel name and the fear in Evangeline’s voice blasted a shiver down Beth’s spine. The basement door pushed open the rest of the way. A short man with a beard as thick as his body and biceps three times the size of Kane’s filled the frame.
“Both of you. Move.”
Cold sweat erupted on Beth’s forehead as she trained her gaze on the gun with the silencer attached to the barrel. If he shot it in here, nobody would hear it over the organ. “What is he talking about, Evangeline?”
“Please don’t hate me. I didn’t mean for it to go this far.” She eyed the medallion hanging around Beth’s neck. “They said they’d kill me if I didn’t help snatch you, so I put a tracker in your necklace.”
Beth yanked the medallion that burned like the devil away from her skin.
Biceps cocked his gun. “Move.”
A knock sounded on the door from the vestibule as the organ quieted. Biceps wrapped his beefy arm around Evangeline’s neck and ducked them into the basement shadows. “I can hear you through this door. Say a word and I shoot your friend and whoever walks in.And then I give the word to have your boss shot.”
No.She fought for air as the basement door closed and hope for Dr. Sable’s successful rescue sank to the basement. Ifshe was still in the cartel’s clutches, where did that leave Kane?
“Miss Beth, the pastor said we need more crayons and?—”
Beth spun to Madalynn. “Go back to your seat, sweetie.”
Hudson poked his head in. “All good?”
“Yes.” She forced the word out along with her smile. “I’ll help Madalynn and be out in a minute.” The first notes of a Christmas hymn chimed through the vestibule as Madalynn rushed to her side. “Close the door so we can hear each other over the organ. It’s about to get louder.”
As Hudson shut them in, the basement door squeaked open. Beth shoved Madalynn behind her.
The child tugged at her sweater. “You said no hide-and-seek, but someone’s down there.”
The door didn’t open farther, but Beth caught the barrel of Biceps’s gun peeking through the slim gap. She grabbed a box of crayons from the shelf. “Take these out. I’ll meet you at the pew.” She bit her lip hard against the urge to scream for Hudson, but she couldn’t risk Madalynn, Dr. Sable’s, or even Evangeline’s life.
Madalynn stomped her foot. “I know you’re playing without me. Let me have fun too, or I’ll tell the pastor that you said thef-word when you lost last week.”
“Madalynn, please just listen for once.” This kid’s sass was going to be the death of them all. Literally, if she didn’t get out of here.
Or maybe not.
Beth reached behind her neck and undid the clasp on her necklace. The smooth metal felt like barbed wire as it slid through her fingers. She bent to Madalynn’s height. “You’re right. I am playing. Adults only.” She handed Madalynn the necklace and prayed that counting on an eight-year-old who always did the opposite of what she was instructed was a good plan. “I need you to hold on to that until I get back. It’sso sparkly that it could lead someone to me, even in the dark. And don’t tell anyone about this.” She lowered her voice. “It’s a top secret initiation for new members.”
Madalynn’s eyes widened. “Cool. More people to play. I promise I won’t tell.”
“Please tell the man outside that my parents called, and I’ll be another few minutes.”
As soon as the vestibule door shut behind Madalynn, the basement door opened. Biceps stepped into the light with Evangeline clutched in front of him.
Evangeline winced as he jammed the pistol into her temple. “Please, Beth. Just come.”
The rising notes of the organ muffled her last words. Beth took a deep breath and dragged herself to the threshold. Biceps yanked her through. As her boots dragged along the stone floor, he secured a heavy metal bar across the door.
Kane cursed as he jammed his finger into the end call button on the dashboard of Chris’s SUV. “Why the hell isn’t Beth picking up?”
Chris reached forward and hit Scarlett’s name on the display. She answered on the first ring.
“Where’s Beth?” Sweat poured from Kane’s brow as he tightened his fists.
“On the phone with Gran in the church office. Hudson just went to check on her.”
Relief inundated his system as the sound of an organ played in the background. “Put Gage on the phone.”
Muffled voices filtered over the line for a painful heartbeat.