Page 111 of Hunt for You
I was haunted by scenarios in my mind where he was finding another woman to hunt.
By day six I got so frantic, I asked Nate to help.
DeadGirlWalking:I need help.
PurplePeoplEater:I thought we established that a while ago.
DeadGirlWalking:Shut up. I mean it. I need actual help in the real world. I need you to use those hacker skills for me.
PurplePeoplEater:You told me if you ever asked me to stalk a guy for you that I was supposed to say no.
DeadGirlWalking:That was a stupid attack of conscience brought on by sleep deprivation and tequila. And besides, this isn’t stalking. Not really.
PurplePeoplEater:Spoken like a true stalker.
DeadGirlWalking:I need you to see if you can track a phone for me.
PurplePeoplEater:So we’re just breezing right past the fact that that is the *literal* definition of stalking?
DeadGirlWalking:I don’t want to find him physically. I want to make sure he’s alive… And maybe find out if he has other phone numbers.
PurplePeoplEater:Unlikely to be in his real name if it’s a number he gave people like you, but I can try.
DeadGirlWalking:You’re a good friend, Nate.
PurplePeoplEater:No I’m not. A good friend would drag you into therapy.
Shit. Gerald.
I looked at the calendar and swore loudly and repeatedly.
DeadGirlWalking:You aren’t going to believe this, but I have to meet with my guy this afternoon.
PurplePeoplEater:You’re making this up. Or setting me up. Do you get extra crazy on therapy days just to bait me?
DeadGirlWalking:No, but you have a bad habit of reminding me. I like to repress the memories of him anytime I’m not in his presence.
PurplePeoplEater:Seems like he’s doing a bang-up job of helping you.
DeadGirlWalking:I don’t need your judgment. Just your skills.
PurplePeoplEater:Well, just don’t shoot the messenger, okay?
DeadGirlWalking:I won’t. I’ll listen to anything you find. I just need to figure out what’s going on with him.
PurplePeoplEater:What’s going on with him is that the number you just gave me isn’t in service anymore.