Page 131 of Hunt for You
Then he growled,“Bridget!”and wrapped me in both steel arms, pulling me down to grind on him as he lifted his hips, thrusting against me. I couldn’t move. Mouth open on his neck, I was pinned, pleasure crackling through me because he was rubbing himself against me so that even through my sweats and his jeans, my over-sensitized skin screamed ecstasy and my breath stopped.
There were a few moments of confusing wonder—the movie roaring in surround-sound, Cain’s breath shuddering in my ear as he gripped me so hard I couldn’t do anything but move with him and suck on his salty skin. Our bodies jerking as we both clung with a desperation that bordered on violence.
Then his hips shot up and he bowed under me, his head snapping back. I felt the vibration in his chest as he made a noise that was covered by the music and every inch of his body turned to marble.
And then, the theater was dark, the sound was gone, and we were sitting there, clinging, clawing, and unable to move or make a sound, because even a breath could be heard by anyone else in the room.
As the light slowly increased on the movie, and dialogue—much quieter and without the music behind it—began in the sound system, Cain turned his head so that his lips were right next to my ear—his stubble raking on my cheek because he was panting and I was clinging to him so hard, I moved up and down with every expansion of his ribs.
I tensed, blinking back tears, terrified he was going to—
“This wasn’t a hunt,” he rasped. “I’m…” He swallowed and I felt his throat bob against my chin.
I sucked in and sat up, thoughtlessly, about to ask him ifhewas having second thoughts—but he exploded into motion, gripping the hood and pulling it all the way down my face as he let me go so quickly and shoved me off his lap. I stumbled back and almost fell.
I had to catch myself on the row of seats in front of me—and then duck behind them because one of the couples below us turned to look. But their eyes were drawn by Cain’s hunched form, darting away from me to the steps at the side, then down—so fast he was almost sprinting. Everyone turned to look at him—which gave me a chance to pull that hood off and look at him.
But he had his own hood back up, so all I could see was a thick, muscular body hugged by a non-descript hoodie and jeans, sprinting down the stairs, catching the railing at the end and whipping around the corner into the entryway that hid him from view completely.
It was tempting to run after him, but I knew I wouldn’t catch him, and I needed to get my hoodie back on. I let myself drop back below the level of the seats, because a few curious people were turning to look. And when I was sure no-one would be looking anymore, I yanked the hoodie back over my head and tugged it down—shivering when my hand passed over my breast where the skin was scraped and sensitive from his teeth—then got slowly to my feet because my heart was still pounding and my knees felt weak.
I crawled back over the seats, almost falling on my face when I hooked my toe on the back, but managed to catch myself and drop into the one where I’d been sitting before, still breathing hard and shaking a little.
I stayed for the whole movie. But I didn’t see a thing.
At some point my phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out.
The text was from an unknown number, but only one word.
SOUNDTRACK:Troubleby Camylio
~ CAIN ~
We were in the movie theater again, but I didn’t give two shits if anyone saw us, or heard us. I didn’t give a fuck what happened except that I had to have her.
I pulled her up and out of her seat, dragging her over the back of it and into my lap. She gasped and I clapped a hand over her mouth because I loved keeping her quiet when she didn’t want to be.
Her breath tore in and out of her nose, rushing over my hand, but her body was liquid in my arms.
I was hard as a rock and struggling to get myself free because she kept writhing against me, but finally I got loose of my jeans, then pulled her head to the side so I could bite down on her neck, then rasp in her ear.
“You make a fucking sound and I’m never coming for you again.”
She nodded quickly, blinking fast like she was scared, but when I took my hand off her face she just pulled in a deep breath. She didn’t say a word.
Then I used both hands, grasping her sweats at the waist and tugging them down as she braced on the arms of the chair and lifted her hips to give me room to push them past her hips, down her thighs, until she was free and—thank you, God—she wasn’t wearing underwear.
With a low rumble in my chest because the beast inside wanted out, I grasped her hips and lifted her, positioningmyself, then pulling her down onto me, hissing through my teeth to stifle the roar I wanted to give as I finally, finally had her, finally owned her.
A small cry broke in her throat, covered by the sound of the movie, and I held her to me, pumping into her twice, three times, hard so her body jolted and her head tipped back. But even as she arched her back, she leaned against me and reached back like she’d claw a hand into my hair.
But that wasn’t how this was going to go.
Growling a warning to her, I wrapped one arm around her waist, then planted the other hand at the back of her neck and shoved her forward, bending her in half even as I pulled her hard into my next thrust.