Page 149 of Hunt for You
The kid ushered me into a back entrance so I didn’t have to carry Ronald through the lounge—Val obviously thought that would be bad marketing. Then he pushed open another door and stepped back, not preceding me into Val’s office.
Still a newbie then.
Val was sitting at her desk with a drink. Her brows rose when I walked in with Ronald still over my shoulder, but dropped him onto the couch where she could see him. I didn’t bother with greetings.
“He’s fucking unhinged, Val. If you don’t keep a collar on him, I will.”
Her lips pursed. “Good to see you too. Yes, ithasbeen a while. Seems like you’ve had an eventful night. Do you want to tell me why you’re carrying one of my Doms in here like he’s nothing but a meat-sack?”
Not giving away the ache in my shoulder and back from carrying that fucker, I stalked straight up to her desk and leaned on the other side of it.
I wouldn’t touch Val, and she knew it. She knew thatIknew she could push one button and there’d be half a dozen guys in here just as strong as me.
“I’m only going to say this once,” I growled. “That’s not a Dom. That’s a fucking psycho looking for an in. Get rid of him, Val. Or I will.”
She took a deep breath then looked past me to where he was slumped on the couch, still bound. His shoulder twisted and ugly.
“I’ll take care of it,” she said, her nose wrinkled like she’d agreed to put her hand in a bucket of shit.
“Thank you,” I said, and turned on my heel, starting for the door, my hope rising when I got all the way there and a hand on the knob without her speaking up—but I should have known she was just waiting for her moment.
“Don’t try and leave without catching up, Sam. It’s good to see you. I didn’t know you were working again.”
I huffed a sigh, but turned back to face her again, shaking my head. “I’m not. I’m done with this shit. I told you that already.”
Her eyes dropped to Ronald, then returned to my face and one brow rose.
I gave her a flat look. “I was helping a… friend.”
Her eyes narrowed. “You’re helping a friend… thatRonald’scoming for?”
I didn’t break the gaze, but I let her see the fury building in my chest. “Youknewhe was coming for her and didn’t warn her?”
“I didn’tknow,”she corrected me. “But… I can figure it out.”
I glared, uncertain whether to believe her or not—but she smiled like a fucking viper and flapped her hand. “I’ll collar him, don’t worry. He’s small fry. I have leverage, and I’m not afraid to use it.” Then she glanced down at Ronald and shook her head. “I’m sure God is very pleased with you for protecting your “friend.” What’s the quote?Greater love hath no man, than that he lay down his life for his friends?”
I swallowed hard. “I didn’t know you read the Bible, Val. Impressive. But I’m pretty sure this isn’t what He meant,” I snarled, tipping my head towards Ronald.
Val tilted her head. “Does yourfriendknow who you are?”
“No. And you won’t tell her.”
“No, I won’t. But… I’m assuming you know who her father is?”
I went very still and let her see the warning in my eyes.
Val rolled hers, but moved on.
“In any case,” she sighed, “it appears that you’ve taken away one of my Doms before it was time for a switch. If you want to bring your wholeHoly Manschtick here, I’ll give you his den. Sid’s been a pain in my ass since day one.”
I shook my head. “I’m done with that shit. I told you—"
Valerie shrugged and waved me off. “Don’t say no. Just in case. The offer is open. Keep it in mind. An option for your… very promising future. After all, God will forgive you, right?” she said with a biting smile.
I was quiet for a second. “I sure hope so,” I muttered, then opened the door and left.
47. Breathing Down My Neck