Page 34 of Hunt for You
When I was sure she was secure and we hadn’t been seen, I paused… and for a moment I was almost overwhelmed by the thrill of her firm, sweet flesh in my hands. Her scent in my nose.
Her strength and courage.
God, she was amazing.
And I was hard.
Swallowing, I rocked my hips just once, nudging her. “Can you feel that… feel what you do to me?” I whispered a voice that started in the pit of my balls.
She nodded quickly, her breath still coming short and shallow.
I smiled as I dropped my chin and ran my nose along her jaw, and rasped, “The only question left is… can I do the same to you? What happens if I get inside you, Bridget? What will I find?”
She whimpered as I slid a hand between her and the car, right at the button of her jeans, though I wasn’t going to pop it. Not yet, not tonight. Even if the monster inside wasachingto touch her.
She whimpered when I ran fingertips along the seam of her jeans–a simple tease–and she tried to fight once, tried to push me off the car, off of her, but the car moved more than I did. Then she slumped again, her shoulders moving up and down with the force of her breath as she was forced to accept that she was helpless.
I smiled, about to reassure her that if she was avery good girlshe would live through this night.
But then… shelaughed?
12. Fuck Around and Find Out
SOUNDTRACK:Russian Rouletteby Ryan Mitchell
~ CAIN ~
I’d had a lot of different reactions from marks, but this was a first.
As Bridget sniggered and spluttered against my palm I was rocked with conflicting emotions—half of me fascinated and amused, the other half pissed off and determined to make sure she understood the danger she was in.
Dropping my voice as low as it would go and keeping it harsh, I growled in her ear. “You think this is a joke?”
I leaned my full weight against her, pressing her hard enough against the car that it would be difficult for her to breathe.
She tensed and shook her head frantically under my palm, but her breath was still coming in snorts.
I had to know.
“I’m going to remove my hand from your mouth. But you make one sound to alert your neighbors, and it will be the last you’ll make. Do you understand? Blink twice.”
She quickly squeezed her eyes closed, opened them, then squeezed them tight again.
Slowly, poised to clap my hand back over her mouth if she was deceiving me, I loosened my grip on her face and gave her room to breathe, then to speak.
She was panting heavily, but even those tearing breaths were broken by waves ofgiggles.She struggled one more time, but she was already losing strength, I just shook my head.
“F-fuck you’re strong,” she gasped, then she snorted. I huffed and I gripped the back of her neck, pressing her head against the car as a warning. She tensed. “Don’t-don’t-don’t! Imma n-nervous laugher.” Then she was overcome. She had her hands up on the car and covered her face with one, spluttering and snickering. “You saw the p-post, I guess?”
“You did well,” I admitted gruffly, keeping my voice in that rough rumble.
“D-did you like the p-present?”
I’d seen it immediately, of course, laid out on the floor in front of the first aid kit and the disinfectant. It was a floor-plan of her house, printed and annotated, with notes on entries and exits, and ways the house varied in reality from the plan logged in the city’s system.
That jangle of pleasure screamed through my veins. I wanted to high five her, but kept my face straight and my tone disapproving. “You think you’re funny,” I growled.
She shook her head, her eyes still covered by her hand. “Have you had a chance to check it out yet?” she whispered, still sniggering.