Page 37 of Hunt for You
I needed more.
I didn’t know how far away Cain was from his home and his computer, but I was going to try and make contact—after all, he had my phone.
So, after a quick shower and change into sleep-shorts and a t-shirt, I ran to my office and turned on the computer, praying that he didn’t live far away and would be online already. It had been half an hour since he left and my adrenaline was fading.
My heart spun in my chest when I logged into the forum and the first notification was a DM from him, but then it sank when I realized he’d sent it before he came for me.
It was a list of after-care instructions, along with detailed lists of which of the things to use in any given situation.
There were even links to video tutorials that showed things like how to properly clean a scrape, how to wrap a wrist, or ankle, how to properly set a sling.
I was oddly touched.
Then my adrenaline skyrocketed again, because the little green circle over his profile picture suddenly blinked alive, which meant he was online. I grabbed for the mouse to hitmessageso fast I almost knocked my keyboard off the desk.
DeadGirlWalking:You have something that belongs to me.
SleepingBeast:You’ll get it back.
DeadGirlWalking:When? My life is on there.
SleepingBeast:I know. And soon. Don’t worry.
DeadGirlWalking:People are going to try and contact me.
SleepingBeast:Relax. I’ve got all your calls and texts diverting to the burner phone—so it better be charged like the instructions said.
DeadGirlWalking:Well, aren’t you clever. That was quick.
SleepingBeast:This isn’t my first rodeo.
DeadGirlWalking:I always thought that saying was odd—like, how many rodeos *should* a person have ridden? Because if this is only number two or three, I’m still not trusting your process.
SleepingBeast:Change subject.
SleepingBeast:From this point forward, any time we meet and you’re injured and I’m forced to leave before we’re done, you send me pictures of the wound, and how you treated it. Every time, D. Including now.
DeadGirlWalking:I mean, sure. If you want harm porn, I’ll help you out. It’s the least I can do. But I’m not hurt right now. A couple sore spots that might bruise, I suppose.
SleepingBeast:You sure?
DeadGirlWalking:I’m sure. You were just so gentle.
SleepingBeast:I’ll make sure and correct that next time.
DeadGirlWalking:Yes, please.
~ CAIN ~
I clawed a hand through my hair and cursed.
My marks were always consenting participants in our little game—they always came looking for me, not the other way around. They were always thrill seekers, and sometimes masochists. But Bridget’s eagerness had a unique edge that was fascinating to me. And a very bright red flag. She wasn’t frightened of me. At all.
The others came to bebecausethey were scared. Theywantedto be scared. In their fear, they found the thrill.