Page 67 of Hunt for You
FROM: Asshole (Jeremy Haines)
TO: Bridget
SUBJECT: RE: No more bullshit or I’m pulling the plug
We’ll meet before the end of the month, B. Either we have a date, or I just find you. The choice is yours.
We went back and forth a few more times—him pushing, me dodging, but in the end I didn’t have to actually commit to more than emailing him every day… for now.
The fact that I’d gotten out of that conversation without making a date was a huge relief. But it also left me a little desperate.
I was starting to freak out. Losing all my balance.
I tried to message Cain, but he wasn’t online and since I couldn’t say anything that he might see as atemptation,I was reduced to inane nothings like, “What’s going on?”
When he didn’t reply—of course—I was left sitting there, once again staring at my computer and feeling that tension twisting tighter and higher inside me.
This always fucking happened when Jeremy wanted to see me. Ihatedthis part.
I shuddered and pushed the asshole right to the back of my mind in a way Gerald had warned me against, but it was necessary for survival.
When I got the computer secure and turned off, I swung away from my desk, swearing.
I needed somethinggoodto happen.
Where the fuck was Cain? It had beenfour fucking days!
My entire body hummed with unspent tension. My heel jumping up and down. Hands shaking. Heart hammering—and not in the good way.
Then I thought about everything that was going on, and everything I’d decided yesterday, and said fuck it.
It was already early afternoon.Vigoríopened in a couple hours.
I could go and maybe see what this Sid character was doing. I would challenge myself to getting into his den without using his invitation, if I could. Though I hadn’t talked to Valerie in months. She might still be pissed at me.
But then, maybe I’d just play some games and come home. At least I wouldn’t be alone tonight. And I wouldn’t be the freak.
So I darted out of the office and into the shower.
An hour later I was dressed up, ready for anything, glossy, and driving into the city. And praying that Cain was watching and would intercept me before I got inside. Because I neededsomethingto happen tonight.
24. I See You
SOUNDTRACK: Bad Choices by Kode
As it turned out, Valerie wasn’t even on site when I got there.
I had to show ID to theVigorísecurity guards, but I was still on the list, which meant I got the little wristband, and ushered inside with a dry, “May all your nightmares come true.”