Page 15 of Redeemed
"Stockbroker," Jesse said. "In town for my baby cousin's engagement party." He rolled his eyes. "Folks are trying to impress the in-laws, so here we are. Good food, anyway, though I'd rather be in jeans eating pizza at Tony's," he said in a conspiratorial whisper.
Sofia laughed. "I can't believe little Amy is getting married!" she said. "I can remember babysitting her."
"Yep, all grown up. Or so she thinks," he chuckled. "Oh, and it's Amarylis now, not Amy. She thinks her full name is more serious now that she's going to be a lawyer and all."
"A lawyer and a stockbroker," Sofia repeated. "Wow, your family must be so proud."
Jesse shrugged off the compliment, but she could tell he was pleased by it. He'd always put so much stock in appearances.
"So, what about you, Sof? What are you up to these days?"
"I manage JT's restaurant and events for his catering company," Sofia reported. "He and his sister, Maggie, own Common Grounds Café in Gladewater."
"You always were good at organizing things," Jesse said. "Good for you! I'll have to come check it out next time I go through there."
"Please do!" Sofia said. She started to ask something else when Fabio reappeared. He looked slightly stricken.
"Do I need to add another chair for your friend?" he asked, eyeing the newcomer.
Jesse held up his hands. "No, I'm going. My family probably wonders where I am," he said to Fabio. He turned Sofia to face him, planting a quick kiss on her cheek. "So good to see you, Sofia. We should get together sometime."
"Sure," Sofia answered. He hugged her again and slipped something into her hand. He gave JT a little wave. "Have a good night."
JT's arms were now crossed tightly across his chest. His raised chin was his only acknowledgement. Fabio glanced between the two large men and quietly placed the antipasti tray on the table. He looked to JT and raised the bottle of wine in his hand. "Signore, can I pour you a glass?"
JT tore his gaze away from Jesse's retreating back and nodded to the waiter. "Sure, thanks," he said, taking his seat again.
Sofia practically floated back down to her chair, a smile still lingering on her face. JT didn't like that smile. Not. One. Bit.
After Fabio had finished pouring their wine and they had ordered their entrées, JT sipped his wine and gave Sofia a pointed look. "So, you and Jesse. You were friends, huh?"
Sofia glanced up at his tone. "Well, we dated for a while, before he left for college," she admitted. JT thought her voice developed a sad note. "But that was a long time ago."
"Huh…" JT grunted. "So, what did he hand you?"
"Hand me?" Sofia asked, suddenly finding the dessert and wine menu very interesting.
"The card," JT growled. "The one you put in your jacket pocket when you sat down."
Sofia twirled a piece of hair around her finger and glanced up at him. His eyes were dark as espresso in the candlelight and focused like a laser on her face. "Oh, that," she said, trying to laugh it off. "Only his business card. I think he was trying to show off a little."
JT's mouth flattened into a straight line. He took another gulp of his wine and fought the urge to demand she tear it up. He crumbled his napkin into a tight ball in his fist under the table. He couldn't remember ever wanting to take a guy out so badly – other than possibly Zane a couple of times but that was on his sister's account, not because he was jealous. Damn! That's what this was. Hewasjealous.Well, fuck me.
"Really, JT, it's nothing," Sofia went on. "He's always been kind of a show-off. I'm sure he thought his title would impress me."
"Yeah, I'm sure that's it," JT responded in a hard voice. He cleared his throat trying to gain control of his tone.Get your shit together, man!
Sofia watched him carefully as she started to select meats and cheeses from the antipasti plate. She didn't think she'd ever seen that expression on his face or heard that tone. What was that about? Did he and Jesse have some kind of history she wasn't aware of? Part of her wanted to ask but she decided she'd better try to move the conversation away from her ex.
"This looks really good," she said brightly. "And this wine is wonderful! I'm going to have to get a bottle to keep at home."
JT gave himself a little shake. "Yeah, looks good," he answered, now sounding more like his regular self. He helped himself to the platter after Sofia was done. He wasn't sure what was going on with him, but he knew he'd better get over it. He could tell he was making Sofia uncomfortable and that upset him even worse. He forced a smile.
"I'm glad you like the wine," he said, refilling his own glass and topping off Sofia's. "It's one of my favorites as well."
Sofia smiled and sighed to herself. JT seemed to be relaxing back to his normal self. She didn't know what was going on, but she'd heard that growl that gave her flutters in her belly again when he'd asked about Jesse's card. He couldn't be jealous. Could he?