Page 21 of Redeemed
"Don't let go," he commanded, and she locked her legs around his waist in response. In one fluid movement, JT stood with her in his arms and headed to his bedroom.
He kicked his bedroom door closed with a foot out of habit as he carried Sofia into the room. In an instant, he had her backed up against the wall to hold her up while his hands explored her body desperately. He found the clasp to her bra and jerked it from her arms, throwing it behind him. His mouth found one of her nipples and she cried out at the ecstasy of it.
She tried to pull his shirt off to get to those muscles she had been fantasizing about for years, but it proved impossible. "JT, too many clothes," she huffed in his ear.
His hands grabbed her ass as he spun her toward the bed. She laughed when he all but threw her onto the king-sized bed and reached behind his head to tug his shirt off. He swore trying to get his boots off while standing. Finally, he gave up and sat on the bed to quickly pull them off along with his jeans. In an instant, he was in nothing, straddling her thighs, his cock standing proud and at attention.
Her heartbeat thundered at the sight of him. She tried her best not to groan. Her eyes drank in his body. She didn't know where to look first. His cock was impressive but so were the bulging muscles of his shoulders and chest. Then there were the beautiful tattoos covering his right pec with the design carried almost down to his elbow on the right. She wanted to explore every inch of them, but JT had other ideas.
"Now who has too many clothes on?" he rumbled, this dimple showing as he smiled devilishly at her.
She simply smiled as he unzipped her pants and drew them down her legs slowly, admiring the view as he went. The intensity of his gaze made Sofia's hands reach to cover herself, but he caught them in one of his own. "Never hide from me again, baby," he growled at her. "You're more beautiful than I ever imagined."
He crawled back up her naked body before she could respond, leaving her clothes in a heap on the floor. Sofia squirmed and whimpered in pleasure as he began the sensual assault on her skin again. Her hands found his hair as his tongue licked up her breastbone before it swirled around one of her nipples that had already tightened into a hard peak. When he bit down on one, she cried out in pleasure. He grinned around the nipple still caught in his teeth before letting it go.
"Like it a little rough, huh? Good to know," he rumbled as he moved to give her other breast equal attention.
Sofia arched under him, wanting him even closer though she wasn't sure how that would be possible. One hand clutched at his blonde, tousled hair while the other took a tight grip on the quilt beneath her. She wasn't very experienced, but she knew now that all of her partners to date had been boys, not men. This man was proving he knew exactly how to work a woman's body. Her body. She wasn't sure how much more she could take.
When she felt his tongue circle her belly button, she knew she'd reached her limit. "JT, please, I need you inside me. Now!"
He looked up at her cry watching her from under the messy blonde strands covering his forehead. He grinned wickedly at her. "Your wish is my command, darlin'," he said as he pushed himself up and reached for the bedside table. In the space of two breaths, he was sheathed in a condom and back between her thighs.
She reached up for him as his mouth slammed down on hers again. Their tongues tangled as JT's clever fingers moved into the folds covering her throbbing bundle of nerves with her own wetness. She tore her lips away from his and commanded "Now!" directly in his ear.
JT obeyed, pushing into her one slow inch at a time, then backing out again, creating a rhythm that she caught with her own hips. Her heels pushed at his tight ass, demanding he quit teasing her. Finally, he drove all the way in, hard, and she gasped.
His head jerked up to meet her eyes, silently questioning. "Don't you dare stop," Sofia panted.
Without breaking contact between their eyes, JT pounded into her, and she did her best to meet him thrust for thrust. He wrapped an arm around her back and pulled her tight to his chest getting even deeper into her, creating an angle that had her core throbbing and weeping for him. She held on, her nails digging into the solid muscles of his back, her teeth finding his shoulder and biting down wildly in her pleasure.
"God, yes," he ground out through gritted teeth. "Come for me, baby. Now!"
Her thighs quivered at his command, and she lost the ability to keep up with the punishingrhythm he had set. Her orgasm exploded through her, and she screamed out his name as her core locked down even tighter around his shaft. Two more thrusts and his animalistic cry joined hers.
Chapter nineteen
Tweety and Sylvester
JTrestedonhisforearms trying not to crush her as he panted hard. He hadn't let himself imagine what it would be like to make love to Sofia. Hell, he didn't think he'd ever made love to a woman at all. He'd fucked plenty, but that's not what this was. It had been so much more.
He felt a vibration in his chest coming from Sofia. When he dragged his head up to look at her, he realized she was laughing. He raised an eyebrow at her. "Exactly what part of that was funny for you?" he asked.
She took her face in her hands and kissed his lips before she answered. "None of it is funny. I'm just so happy."
His expression relaxed at her admission, and he leaned down to sip at her lips again. "I aim to please," he murmured to her as his lips left her mouth and traveled to nip at her neck again. "Whatever makes you happy, Sofia, that's what I want to do," he whispered in her ear. "Anything."
He caught her mouth up in another tender kiss before he pushed up to go to the bathroom. Sofia admired the muscles of his ass flex as he walked across the room. The man obviously had no embarrassment about walking around naked. As well he shouldn't. "I think you should stop wearing pants to work," she joked. "That would make me really happy."
He chuckled as he returned from the bathroom with a warm rag to help clean her up. "I don't think Mr. Jones, the health inspector, would appreciate that as much as you," he laughed as he pulled back the covers and motioned her in. "And there are lots of hot things in a kitchen. I'll do it," he said, "but we both might be facing consequences we don't like over it."
She slapped him playfully on the arm as he climbed in the bed and pulled her to him. "Okay, I can see your point," she admitted as she lay her head on his chest. "I'll have to use my memories instead."
They lay there quiet for a while, exploring each other. Sofia was surprised at the darkness of the hair on his chest when his head was so blonde. She traced the swirls and designs of his tattoos with one finger as she admired them. "Is this one big tattoo or several worked together? I can't tell."
JT kissed her on top of the head and stroked her arm before he answered. "There are several," he answered. "This one," he said, pointing to a large Celtic knot circle on his chest, "I got when I turned 18. Pretty much wanted to look cool and drive my mom crazy but when I looked it up later, I liked the idea of oneness of spirit and unity."
"Knowing your mom, I'm sure it did," Sofia giggled. "I really like it." She traced a small one next to the circle but was surrounded by a swirled design that encompassed both. "This is an infinity symbol. And what is that on the bottom of it? A paw print?"