Page 39 of Redeemed
Cassie shot him a grin. "Oh, I can guess what you were thinking. When are you going to talk to the woman? You're obviously miserable without her."
JT lay down his knife and rubbed his hands over his face. He huffed out a breath. "Yeah, I know. Let me get through today, alright?"
"Sure thing, boss, whatever you say," Cassie responded, placing a tray of dumplings in the warming rack.
JT shook his head, picked up his knife and started again. His eyes were paying attention to his task this time, but his thoughts were all about the conversation he needed to have with Sofia.
Chapter thirty-seven
A Posh Nightmare
Sofiapresentedherselfinfront of Maggie who gasped. "Goodness gracious! What happened to you?"
"I lost a fight with a pan of enchiladas with basil and cream sauce," Sofia deadpanned. Maggie laughed. "On a positive note," Sofia continued, "the sauce is really yummy!"
"Oh, dear," Maggie snickered. "You have your extra clothes, right?"
"Of course," Sofia confirmed. "I was trained by the best."
Maggie smiled at the compliment. "Well, you have plenty of time to change. Everything is under control at the moment." She paused. "My brother has everything handled in the kitchen?"
Sofia nodded. "Yep, they are on schedule."
"Good then. The wedding party won't be here for another couple of hours though somehow guests always seem to arrive before they were told to be at the party. I've never understood that," she offered contemplatively.
"The Cruzes offered Mama and Selena a room at the Park Hotel in their block of rooms since Selena is a bridesmaid," Sofia offered. "I'll just pop over there and make sure Mama is doing okay and change. I'll be back in a jiff."
Maggie fluttered a hand. "Take your time. Tell your Mama I said 'hey'."
"I will. She's.." Sofia stopped as she looked towards the doors. "…here."
Sofia moved toward her mother who was standing in the doorway looking at all the goings on. Her brow crinkled in confusion. "Mamá, qué haces aquí? ¿Está todo bien?"(Mama, what are you doing here? Is everything okay?)
"Sí, Sí. No te preocupes, mija,"Mrs. Benevides assured her. ("Yes, yes, don't worry, little one.") "Your JT wanted me to taste some things. He says I'm the expert. Tiene razón, claro."("He's right, of course.")"Sofia's mother looked very pleased with herself. "Ahora ¿Dónde está y por qué estás tan sucia?("Now, where is he and why are you so dirty?")
Sofia squirmed under her mother's scrutiny. Of course, she would show up the minute Sofia looked a mess. "Julio accidentally spilled some enchilada sauce on me. I was about the leave for your room to change," Sofia informed her mother. "I'll take you back to the kitchen if I can get your room key so I can go over there and put on my other clothes."
"Bien, bien," Mrs. Benevides answered, handing Sofia a key card from her purse. ("Fine, fine,")
Sofia led her to the kitchen, and, this time, carefully peeked her head through the doorway. "Is it safe to come in?" she called.
Everyone seemed to be across the room. "Sure, come on in, Sofia," Cassie called. "Julio promises not to douse you with sauce this time."
"Mierda! I said I was sorry," Julio groused. "You fuck…" His voice cut off abruptly as Sofia opened the door wider and her mother walked into the kitchen.
"Uh, sorry, ma'am," Julio said, apologizing for his language.
Mrs. Benevides gave him a once over then nodded. JT rubbed his forearm over his mouth, trying to hide his smile. Let the rest of them get a taste of Sofia's intimidating mother. She was a small woman but that didn't make her any less fierce.
JT walked over to her. "Thanks for coming, Mrs. Benevides. I really appreciate it."
The woman actually gave JT a full-on smile and patted him affectionately on his big bicep. "No hay problemo. Ahora, what do you want me to taste?"
Sofia had to give JT a smile over her mother's head. He couldn't know how happy this must be making her mama. Since she, Selena and Tomas had left the house, she knew her mother struggled to feel needed and useful. She tried to remember that when she was blowing up her phone at all hours driving her insane.
"Okay, Mamá, I'll see you in a little while." Mrs. Benevides waved at her absently, her mouth already around a spoon she had dipped into a pot. Sofia laughed and headed for the hotel.
Sofia had never been in the Park Hotel, a boutique hotel right across the street from the venue. She thought again how smart Stephanie had been in how she had set up the venue and picked the location. She tried to hold her hanging bag with her change of clothes in front of her chest to hide the stains. The Park was extremely posh, especially for a smaller city like Tyler. She hoped no one tried to throw her out before she could get to her mother's room to change.