Page 55 of All Our Ghosts
I’m not sure why the nervousness has returned to me as he leans against the edge of the table. His hands card through his hair, pushing it back behind his ears. I know he’s still pissed, I can feel the heat radiating off of him like a screaming furnace. But I can’t tell if it’s now still directed at me or something else.
“What happened last night?” He asks suddenly, his gaze drifting to mine. His eyes are a piercing blue that only makes me feel that much more nervous. I knit my brows together, confused by his question. “With Watson?”
“Stokes didn’t tell you?” I ask, unable to mask the annoyance in my voice.
His tongue flickers over his bottom lip, the corners of his mouth ghosting a grin, “He told me, but I don’t trust Stokes.”
“And you trust me?” I quip, knowing I’m pushing him. Cole has brought me into his circle and given me a home, and I’ve returned that by bringing Jeremy practically to their doorstep.
He shakes his head, “I do. I probably shouldn’t, but I do.” Cole cemented with a nod, “what happened?”
I study him for a moment, “Watson pulled Holden and I over, provoked Holden until he snapped and then cuffed him.”
“That’s all?” Cole pushes.
“He used Becca to get under his skin.” I don’t miss the tick in his jaw at the mention of her name. Something in his eyes turns dark and cold as I watch him. “I don’t think he thought I could hear them but Watson made it sound like he was responsible for Becca’s death.”
Cole’s silent for a moment and I figure that he’s going over every scenario in his head, worst case, best case, either way Ihave a feeling none of them are good. Watson terrifies me, he has the same terrifying look in his eyes that Jeremy has. Laced with cruelty and a need for control. Even when he stopped me on the street, I could feel myself recoil away from him like he had a black cloud over his head that swarmed and swirled with darkness.
“He knows my real name, Cole.” Knowing what the implications of that meant, his eyes focused back on me, “if he sees the news feed…” I pause, “There’s nothing stopping him from bringing Jeremy to your doorstep.”
“Watson is smart,” Cole counters, “he won’t show his cards right away.”
“That’s what scares me the most.” He pushes himself up off the table, his hands resting firmly on my shoulders. Cole dips his head to catch my eyes and as our gazes meet, the darkness I see in them is replaced by something softer. He tugs me to his chest, his arms wrapping around me. I know he won’t promise everything will be okay. We both know he can’t guarantee it.
“The club will protect you.” He says flatly and with about as much reassurance as he can muster.
I take it even if the words are hard to believe. Cole doesn’t owe me anything, neither does the club. Believing that a group of men that I don’t know will protect me sits uncomfortably in my chest.
“I’ll protect you.” He finally says as if he can feel my uneasiness seep into his chest. “Go find Holden, tell him what you told me, and bring him back.”
Something else that sits heavy on my chest. I’m not entirely sure that he’ll believe me or want to hear me out. I lied to him when he told me his darkest secrets, took me to a place that meant more to him than anything and gave me every chance to come clean… and I didn’t. I hid behind the full truth of what happened to me and gave him just enough that it wouldquell that curious look he gets whenever his eyes find mine. He doesn’t have to give me anything more now. If he wants out of whatever this is between us I just gave him the chance.
“I’ll do my best,” I whisper against him. He pulls back from me, giving me a weak knowing smile.
He walks me out into the main room of the clubhouse. Scottie and Dex are standing near the bar, speaking in hushed tones. Scottie’s normal smile falters as soon as his dark eyes land on me. He tosses a quick nod in my direction and Dex turns to look at me. It’s then that I know Scottie knows everything now, too.
“We’ll talk later,” Cole says leaning into me before leaving me to head out the door.
I make my way over to the men. I swallow the nervousness building in me, forcing the courage I have remaining to drag me across the room.
“You ready?” Dex asks, but my eyes are still on Scottie.
“You know?” I ask, ignoring Dex’s question which from the huff he lets out, makes me acutely aware that he isn't used to it.
Scottie nods, his hand resting on my shoulder tentatively but when I don’t flinch away from him as he probably expects me to he squeezes my shoulder gently. “We’ll make this fucker pay if he comes after you.”
I suck in a breath as my gaze flickers over to Dex, “I’m hoping he won’t.” I say, “but that’s a child’s wish.”
“It’s not a child’s wish to want to be safe,” Scottie says with a sad expression. Tears start prickling in my eyes again. Not because I’m sad or angry anymore. But he’s looking at me the way someone who cares would and it’s then that I realize I’ve only ever seen that look twice outside of the men in the club. Once with my father and the second when Maria helped me leave.
I should call Maria. By now the news junket has spread across the country; it’s only a matter of time before I would get a slew of text messages and phone calls.
“We should get going,” Dex suggests nodding his head towards the exit, dark eyes flickering back to Scottie, “keep your phone on, if O’Neil and Falcone need back up, you call me.”
Dex steps back, giving me room to move towards the door before following behind me. My heart hammers against my chest the closer I get to the outside. What if he doesn’t believe me? What if everything he promised last nightandagain this morning is just a ploy to get me in bed with him? But he had me in bed and stopped me from going faster than I knew I was ready for. Deep down I know that his promises aren’t empty.
“Stop second guessing him,” Dex mumbles as he holds the door open for me, “Nash is a lot of things, stubborn-headed, but not stupid.”