Page 71 of All Our Ghosts
The moment I opened the folder Hank had, my world tilted on its axis. I spent the whole ride home going over every detail. Every mark ever left on her body that was hidden and the ones that weren't. I was going to tell her. I had planned to go to Moon,bring her back to the clubhouse and tell her that I knew. I needed her to know that weight was something she didn't have to carry alone anymore. That I was sorry for leaving, but what she didn't know was that I hadn't given up on her. I just needed the proof. I needed something other than her words to prove to myself that she is who she claims to be. But all I'm learning is I need to trust her.I should have trusted her.
A whimper from the bathroom gets my attention again as I race to her side. Her eyes are open again, giving me a soft smile that shatters me. Cracking my resolve as my emotions get the better of me. I try to hide it as I drain the tub and reach for a towel, wrapping it around her and lifting her into my arms. I get her to the bed, afraid of saying anything as I lay her down. Dex's words run through my mind over and over again.
Kadence went after me. She didn't have to and I half expected her to be gone when I got back to town but she was here. Her things still scattered over the small apartment, her scent still lingering in the office when I went to search for her. It was then I realized how much I missed her. How much I failed her by leaving.
I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.
The promises we made replay in my mind, echoing behind Wolfe's. I'm going to keep them. I failed tonight, forcing her to come after me. Instead of going to her on that bridge I let her come to me, almost needing her to come to me, and she did. Not once did Kadence back down from my warnings or threats for her to leave me. It should've been me in that water tonight. It should have never been her.
I carefully peel off the soaked boots from her feet before sliding the dress from her. Cradling her head in my hands.
"I'm sorry," I whisper when a soft whine leaves her. Those green eyes look up at me again. Not a trace of anger or sadness is weaved into those flecks of gray.
I take in the smattering of bruises and cuts her dress has hidden. There is a particularly nasty bruise that lines her ribs. Tears I was having a hard time holding back fall. Her body is mangled and almost every part of her has a cruel spatter of purple and red marks that litter her skin.
“Fuck,” I breathe as my face crumbles. Kadence lifts her hand and rests it over mine. Using what little strength she has she links our fingers, her eyes never leaving mine. “Why did you do it? Why not just leave me?” I beg.
The corners of her mouth quirk up gently, her head lolls to the side towards me as I kneel down next to her on the floor. Her lips part trying to say something, and finally, with a pained breath, she says the words that completely crumble what little resolve I have left.
“Because it’s us–against the world.”
Cold. So cold.
Hands, warm–no cold hands.
Water rushing, screams. My screams?
Blue eyes. Tears.
Because it’s us–against the world.
My eyes open as I suck in a breath forcing a searing pain to shoot up my side, causing me to gasp and tense.
"Fuck," I breathe tentatively and feel how sore my throat is.
My entire body feels like it's been hit by a freight train and my arms feel like lead weights as I try to push myself up. The room is still dark minus the small stream of light that pours through the crack in the curtains.
I roll my head to the side and give up on moving. Soft snores come from next to me, but the bed I’m in is empty. I take a pained breath in and slide my elbows up to my shoulders beneath me, doing everything I can to push myself up. Stopping every few moments as the fire shoots through me. When I’mfinally lifted enough I carefully peer over the edge of the bed, only making out half of his face.
“Holden?” I whisper but he doesn’t move.
He’s tucked under another blanket, a pillow behind his head. He’s been sleeping on the floor? My brows furrow as I do everything I can to roll onto my side, letting out a low whimper as my arm presses against my ribcage.
Suddenly he’s up, staring at me. His hair is matted and stuck to his forehead, and his beard has grown thicker since I last saw him.The day in the clubhouse? No. Moon.He had come to Moon and found me. My head throbs as the memories start to flood back in. The storm, the creaking on the bridge.
My eyes meet his, the blue becoming glossy.
“Kadence,” he rasps, moving to the edge of the bed and helping me lay back down. “Don’t move too much,” he says, pushing back my hair as another wave of pain rolls deep within my muscles. His tongue rolls over his bottom lip, bringing it between his teeth. His eyes are overwhelmed with sadness.
“I’m okay.” I know I’m not, but I can’t bear to see the pity on his face. I’ve seen enough of it over the past week.
He shakes his head. “No you aren’t.”
“Holden,” I whisper, “what happened wasn’t your fault.”