Page 90 of All Our Ghosts
A low whistle echoes behind us as I spin around. Scottie stands in front of us, a wide grin spread over his face, highlighting the scars that adorn his cheeks under the peppered scruff. “Youfinally decided to cut off that mop?” He asks, jerking his chin at Holden.
“It was time,” Holden rumbles behind me. His hands drift to my waist as he steps behind me. “Everythin’ cool?”
“Anythin’ was better than that shag you had goin’,” Scottie chuckles. “I hate to break you two love birds up but Cole needs Nash behind the grill before we lose al’our dinner.”
I tuck myself under Holden’s arm as he wraps it around my shoulders again and laugh when he tilts his head back to groan. “Who the fuck gave O’Neil the tongs?”
Scottie chuckles, clapping a hand on Holden’s shoulder. “You have Marlowe to thank for that.” Another groan leaves him as we head towards the clubhouse. Scottie leans over Holden, catching my gaze. “How you feelin’ lass?”
“Way better,” I smile.
“I knew you were a tough one.” He grins down at me before glancing between us. “And you two are okay?”
I laugh. “If I knew any better, Scottie, I’d think you were looking for some gossip.”
Holden shakes his head. “Don’t entertain him. He’ll just keep askin’.”
Scottie huffs out a laugh. “No, brother, I’m just making sure you don’t fuck up and let this one go.” He points a finger in my direction.
A flush grows over my cheeks as the two men glare at each other. A part of me loves that Holden has become so protective over me but I’m feeling like I don’t need it. I feel stronger than I have in a long time. My body still aches in places and some nights I can still feel the cold water hit my skin like daggers but for the most part the nightmares of that night have subsided. I know that I’ve woken Holden up more than once with the chattering of my teeth at the memory. Still he never leaves me;instead he wraps his arms around me and holds me tight against him until the warmth of his body calms me.
I feel Holden’s eyes on me and when I look up they’re practically twinkling. Aside from the hard set of his jaw and the way his hand tenses on my shoulder, I see nothing but awe in his eyes.
“I don’t plan to,” he says softly, pressing a kiss to my temple.
Once again that warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach flutters and I know that the more time I spend with him, the further I fall.
“Nash!” Cole’s voice hollers across the parking lot dragging our gazes to him.
His tanned skin glistens under the sun and the blue and whiteO’Neil’s Towingtrucker’s hat he has covers his eyes, but even he looks happier than he has been in awhile. After we met at the diner things have been lighter around the three of us. Even with the feeling of Stokes and Watson lurking around.
I meet Cole’s eyes as he grins at me. There is nothing malicious or hard behind the smile. He just seems normal. Holden turns and presses a kiss to my forehead.
“Go with Scottie and find the girls. Blake’s been dying to have some alone time with you.”
He cups my cheeks, dipping his head as his lips hover over mine just enough for the embers in my core to burn before he finally presses them to my lips. I hum softly, tangling my fingers into his shirt.
“A’ight you two love birds, break it up.”
I giggle against his lips, taking a step back from him. “See ya later?”
“You can count on it, Sunflower.” Holden smirks before spinning on his heel and jogging over to where Cole is currently fanning the grill with a pot holder. A few choice curse words fly from Holden’s mouth as soon as he steps up to the grill assessing the damage Cole has apparently already done.
Scottie nudges me gently with his elbow, getting my attention. “How are youreally?” He asks, low enough that only I can hear him. I hook my arm into his as he begins to lead us into the clubhouse.
“I am better.” I smile, “things are…” I toss a glance over my shoulder at Holden, unable to help the smile that forms over my lips, seeing him and Cole grinning and shoving each other away from the grill, “Good.”
He nods, a knowing smile plastered over his hardened face. “About the other thing, you uh… haven’t heard anything from dick face have you?”
My brows furrow as he holds open the door to the compound for me. “Jeremy?” I shake my head when he nods again. “No. To be honest I haven’t turned my phone back on since before the news junket.”
“It might be time to do that, sweetheart,” Scottie urges gently. “See if he’s reached out. If he has, let us know. The more we know about whatever he’s planning the better.”
This is the last thing I want to think about today. My impending nuclear bomb that lurks in the shadows of my life. I’m sure that if I turn my phone back on, I’ll have text messages from the bastard.
“Hey,” he rests a hand on my shoulder. “Doesn’t have to be today. Just soon.”
I smile, though it doesn’t quite reach my eyes. A sense of dread fills me thinking about the danger that’s to come but it’s quickly snubbed out by the sound of my name screeching out of Blake’s mouth.