Page 132 of His Prince
“Which mob?”
“I don’t know,” I say and then turn to face Steve, who is eyeing me suspiciously.
“Technically, we’re the LGM,” he says.
“I’ve never heard of that. What does that stand for?”
“Lizard Granny Mafia.”
Diablo hears that and snorts, and I can’t help but grin softly. That’s just so fucking ridiculous. Lizards. Wonder where they came up with that name.
“Well, the lizard grannies can help you, and so will I. Don’t worry, Angel. I promise we’ll find him,” Diablo reassures me.
The soothing tone of his voice has me gulping back tears.
“Hurry. Please hurry.”
Almost as if I can feel it, I know time is running out. That I may never see him again. That I won’t get another chance to hold him or hear his Russian accent whisper things in my ear. I may be a widower far too early.
I always knew the mafia life was harsh, that people never live long, but I stupidly thought my life would turn out differently.
It seems I wasn’t so different after all.
Tears track down my cheeks, and I swipe them away as the doctor approaches.
“Don’t worry,” he says, holding up his hands. “They’re both stable.”
“Were they poisoned?” Dima asks, his voice almost breaking.
He nods. “Yes, it appears to be something they ingested. We don’t know exactly what yet, but we’re running some blood tests. The police have been called as well. They’ll need to take your statement.”
Nerves settle in at that moment, but I push them aside. “Fine, but I need to see them. Can I?”
“Of course, right this way.”
He leads me down a corridor, Dima following behind, silent and stoic. But I can feel his worry andhis stress as well. Because I know Gael is a friend to him. Mikhail’s men are all very close and losing one would be like losing a brother.
The doctor pushes a door open, and I see Gael and Casey inside, both of them laid up on hospital beds, their skin pale, wires and cords everywhere. I move to Casey first, his eyelids fluttering open at my approach.
“I’m so sorry,” is the first thing he says, but I shush him, pulling him into a tight hug.
“I’m so glad you’re okay. Oh god, Casey. They took him.”
“Fuck,” he murmurs and then groans, trying to sit up.
“No, don’t move. There’s nothing you can do. My dad is on the way, and Diablo is doing his best to find him. And I have a little old lady named Vera who says she can help me.”
“Rest, please get better. I can’t cope with the fact you could have died.”
He huffs but relaxes, and I press a kiss on his cheek before moving to Gael, who is watching me intently.
“Little husband,” he says, and my tears fall more freely.