Page 146 of His Prince
Finally, Angel appears hours later, his face streaked with dirt, his cheeks sun-kissed. He’s never looked more beautiful.
“You took forever. Hours,” I grumble, and he grins, his eyes twinkling.
“I was busy, and it wasn’t hours. Thirty minutes, max. But youlook well,” he says as he leans up and presses a kiss to my lips. “And the room looks very romantic. Did you do this for me?”
“Yes,” I say and then pull him in for a deeper kiss. Georgiy wants me to take it easy, but my dick thinks otherwise. I want to fuck him.
“Oh no, you can’t do that,” Angel says, looking flushed. “We need to wait.”
“I don’t want to wait. It’s been years.”
He huffs a laugh. “You’re so dramatic.”
“I am not. I’m reasonable.”
“Sure, my love.”
The way he looks at me, that sweet name for me, makes my heart skip a beat.
“You need to sit,” he says, and I murmur my protests as he helps me to the chair, the fresh air from late fall moving in through the window and flickering the candles.
“This is perfect.”
“It would be better if you were naked.”
“I’m not eating naked. Nina would be horrified.”
“You should horrify them all. You’re far too nice to them.”
He grins at me from across the table and leans forward, his chin on the back of his hand.
“They treat me well. They’ve been wonderful.”
I sigh when I see how happy he is.
“Come over here. Sit on my lap. You’re too far away.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I was shot in the chest, sólnyshko. Not my dick.”
He lets out a huff of laughter and moves toward me, lowering himself gently onto my lap. The scent of him, earth and honey, makes my cock perk up. My arm wraps around his waist, and I pull him in closer.
“Mikhail,” he protests, but I don’t let him speak. I just tilt his head back and kiss him deeply.
“No talking, just fucking.”
Angel laughs sweetly against my lips as Nina appears with Casey and Gael, food in her hands.
“No more smooching. Enough. We have worked hard to make this. You will eat. All of it or I may shoot you myself.”
I peel my lips from Angel, about to protest, but then swallow my words when I see how happy Angel looks. He hasn’t moved from my lap but is wetting his lips as they lay out the courses. He needs to eat. I’m going to make sure he’s never hungry again.
“I didn’t realize how famished I was,” Angel says as he leans forward, his ass deliciously moving around on my dick. A pure, delectable torture.
But I can wait, can suffer through like a true martyr so that he can eat. But once he’s full, the game is afoot.