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But it’s not my fault they love jalapeños, prosciutto, and hot honey on their thick crust.
It’s notallmy fault.
It’s their mom’s too!
She gave birth to them!
She should definitely share the blame!
“Mom, mom,” Blakely begins in an unexpected panic, fingers tugging impatiently on my short, green, “Drink Up, Grinches” fitted dress, “what if I miss my song cue?!” Another frantic pull is delivered. “What if the stage crew misses my song cue?!” More yanks at the stretchy fabric are executed. “The music people! The music people are gonna miss my song cue!”
“Why do youalwaysblame the music department?” Brae grumps on a huff, glasses covered face leaning over the seat behind us. “Why can it never beanyoneelse’s fault?!”
“When has it ever been anyone else’s fault?!”
“Just because something hasn’t happened, doesn’t mean it can’t!”
And here’s that good ol’ “Bryn passion” Mom loves to tease me about.
I knew I should’ve ridden in the other SUV.
Watching Franken No Fun squirm from being serenaded by his can’t hold a tune or a beat husband, Templeton Holmes, next to Clark and Mom is definitely better than listening to the girls bicker.
I’d swear that that’s all they do if it weren’t for Temps’s reassurances that they don’t.
That seventy to eighty percent of the time they’re closer than a pair of sand tiger sharks post being abandoned by their mate.
And he’d know.
It’shis jobto know.
He’s their manny.
During our first trip to Doctenn – to thank Kellan and Brie in person and retrieve our son along with the rest of our family – the two met through some of our mutual connections andinstantlyfell for each other.
I mean adorable love at first accent type of shit.
He initially came back with us for what was supposed to be an extended vacation to explore their relationship only to immediately take up the nannying mantal when Jessie decided she couldn’t work for us any longer.
Seeing Hurst hurt, hurt her.
It also had her come to the realization thatthatwas what his job truly was.
Protecting us at all costs.
Putting us first no matter the consequence.
She couldn’t stomach the idea of being with someone who actively put himself in that position every day, and ultimately ended their fling.
She also came to the conclusion that working for a familythis powerfulwiththis level of enemiesput her own life at risk, something else she wasn’t a fan of.
Ultimately, it all worked out.