Page 20 of Rekindled Heart
My son bounces on his feet. “Can I come back tomorrow, mommy? Please, please!”
I sigh and shake my head. “I’m sorry. I have to work tomorrow and you’re going to the babysitter.”
He huffs and his bottom lip pouts out. “Fine.”
Ricky turns away and rubs his bottom lip. Then he strides around the tree, disappearing from view.
“Are you ready to go, Chris? It’s getting cold!”
He nods his head but I can tell he’s still stuck on coming back out here.
I move towards him and reach out to him, stopping stock still when cold, wet snow hits me in the back of the head.
I whip around and glare at Ricky, his eyes glinting with laughter even as Chris falls over laughing.
“He got you, mommy!”
I glare at him, eyes narrowed as I bend down and grab a handful of snow, rolling it idly in my hands. “Yes, he did. I think this means war!”
I rear back and fling the ball of snow at him, giggling when it smacks him in the chest, harmlessly falling apart.
He grins. “I think you need more practice at making a decent snowball.”
He reaches down and grabs a huge handful of snow and darts behind the tree.
I grab more snow and dart after him. “You’re not getting away that easily!”
I come around the corner and find myself facing both Christopher and Ricky bouncing snowballs in their hands.
I back away. “Hey, buddy! I’m your mother! You can’t hit me with a snowball!”
He grins. “I know!”
Then he smacks Ricky in the chest with one and I bend over, laughing, at the stunned look on his face. “Hey, man! I thought we were in this together! How could you?”
Then he falls over in the snow, faking the finest death scene I’ve seen in a long time. “Oh, I’m going! It’s…I can’t believe this! I’m a goner!”
Christopher laughs until tears roll down his pale cheeks flushed with the cold and I can’t stop the tears from spurting to my own eyes. I miss this. I miss the way a person can just make you feel like you belong with them without even trying.
He comes to his feet and dusts off his pants. “How about we head back and have some hot chocolate and then I’ll follow y’all home?”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” I demur.
His eyes lock on mine and there’s something in them that makes me suck in a gasp. It looks like… possession.
“Yes, I do,” he growls. Then he helps me into the sleigh and wraps the blankets around Christopher and I, his hand curling around mine under the cover. His eyes meet mine and I can’t look away. Can’t breathe fully. Our breaths huff between us, clouding the air.
“I’ll see you home, angel.” He looks at Christopher who’s cuddling into the blankets and yawning lightly. “Both of you.”
Margot rips the door open.“Well, well. You’re mighty chipper this morning! Can I blame you for the fact that Caro didn’t show up to meet Louise and I the other night?”
I glare at her. “Maybe you should just stop worrying about meddling with Caro and I and find something else to keep you busy this holiday! Maybe Jace needs some help with a girl?”
I should get my ass kicked for throwing my buddy under the bus but I need granny to stay out of the middle of this mess. Especially if there’s something about Angel and her troubles that is causing issues for my girl and her boy.