Page 28 of Rekindled Heart
“I don’t need you to tell me how to take care of myself, Ricky. I wiped your ass when you were a baby. Don’t think you’re gonna take that tone with me.”
I huff out a breath and then run my fingers through my hair. “I’m just trying to keep you safe. You don’t realize how dangerous this guy is. He shot two women, for fuck’s sake.”
“Well then, it’s doubly important that I teach that man a lesson in manners. You’re not supposed to hit a woman let alone shoot one…er two. This guy is going down.”
She hangs up before I get the chance to say one word. Just dial tone.
“Fuck!” I growl under my breath. This is rapidly becoming a shit show.
I’m not sure what’s going on, but I know one thing. With granny and Louise involved…things just went from bad to worse.
“You used a really bad word, Mr. Rick. Mama wouldn’t like that.”
I smile and ruffle his hair, tamping down the nerves that are threatening to swamp me and my better judgement.
“I’ll make sure that I keep a lid on it around your mother. Just don’t tell on me, okay?”
Christopher tips his head to the side like an inquisitive little bird. “I shouldn’t say yes to that, you know. Mama definitely wouldn’t like that.”
“You know…sometimes you’re like talking to a fifty-year old kid.” I snort as he eyes me like I’m a lunatic. Yeah. I know, kid. I think I’ve left the reservation too.
“I’m not even close to fifty.”
I hear a truck pulling up outside and I peek out the door, sighing when I see that it’s Jace. I’m not sure how he got back here so fast, but something tells me that I’m not gonna like his answer right now.
“Can you stay in here and keep an eye on Harold? I’ve got to go talk to my buddy, but I’ll be right back.”
“Okay. Harold’s really tired so I think we’ll just sit down and take a nap.”
I don’t bother telling him that horses don’t like to lie down and nap. I won’t be long.
“Hey, Jace! What the hell’s going on? When did you get here?”
“I just got into town and I wanted to let you know that we’ve got a massive problem. Angel has been Senator Ashford’s little side piece for a while now. Possibly even a couple of years. Now…somebody just decided to let Mrs. Senator Ashford know about Angel. She didn’t take it well which means that Senator Ashford doesn’t like it He’s not a nice guy and he’s got some pretty bad connections with some very bad people. Those bad people don’t like him in the news and they sure as hell don’t like it when he starts yammering about his personal life.”
“Okay. What does that have to do with me and Caro?”
“Caro made the mistake of confronting him about shooting her sister. She’s got a small wound in her belly. Casey, well, this is Casey. She’s helping me track down Angel right now.”
I turn and look at the tiny woman who steps out of the truck. Her cool blue eyes lock on me like a she-wolf after prey.
“Who are you exactly?” I ask.
She smirks wryly. “I’m the best chance there is to get your girl out of this intact.”
“You’re pretty sure of yourself,” I scoff.
“I am very sure of what I can and cannot do, Mr. Rowe.” She nods towards Jace. “This guy thinks he’s better than me but I guarantee you…it’s not true. I’m the best there is.”
Jace smirks at her, his full lips twisting wryly. “Baby…I keep telling you that you aren’t as good as you think you are.”
The two of them glare at each other and I whistle loudly. “Hey, assholes! Let’s focus! What exactly is the plan?” I turn towards Jace and grimace. “Oh…by the way. Granny found out something’s going on and as per her…she wants in.”
Jace grimaces. “Can’t you have the sheriff lock her up? Public safety and all that.”
“Nope. The last time I asked him for help with her, she kneed him in the groin. He’s very careful around her now.”
Jace snorts. “Shit. I can see that easily. So what do we do now?”