Page 4 of Rekindled Heart
Eight MonthsLater
Months of stalking. That’s what I’ve turned into. A fucking stalker. For a good reason. But I’m still a stalker.
I’m fascinated by Ricky Rowe. His name sounds like a damned country singer and you’d think that he’d be more fun with someone like granny Margot in his family.
But nope. The man is an eighty-year-old grouch in a thirty-four-year old’s body. He’s sexy but with an edgy attitude that pops up at the drop of a hat. He’ll be flirting and then he’s growling and snapping at you like a damn wolf. And for some reason, I’m here for it.
I shouldn’t be. Our history is nothing good. Nothing to be excited about.
But I haven’t been able to forget him and it’s driving me crazy. I keep hoping that if I follow his sexy ass around, the strange draw I feel towards him will disappear. I need to get myself back on an even keel. I need to get my life back.
It has been at least eight months and I should be able to forget him by now. God knows it would be easier if I did. I can’t ever tell him the truth about why I left. I still can’t talk about it without completely losing my mind.
I thought coming back here and seeing him would finally dissipate some of my hunger, my need for him. I wanted to come back to see my family and if it gave me the opportunity to get my life back all to the better.
But it’s not going like I expected and a lot of that can be laid at my door. I followed him out all those nights. Hell, I’m doing the same thing tonight. Lurking in the background of the little town hall where the holiday festivities are taking place, watching him glare at the people around him and just generally act like an ass.
I see the hurt in his dark eyes and I know that I put it there. What was happening with us was too much at the time and I knew it wouldn’t last. I had to put some space in between the two of us. Had to back off and let my heart heal. Had to handle the emergency that was thrown at me.
Until I found out that there was a constant reminder of how much I couldn’t forget him. How much I fell in love with him and I don’t think that will ever go away.
Hell, I know it’s never going away. And I don’t know what to do with that because when he finds out what I’m hiding he’s gonna be pissed as hell.
Not that it changes anything.
I wrap my arms around myself and the pain washes over me. It’s a never-ending ache that’s settled into my soul. An ache that rips me apart every time I remember. The ache in my gut when I move wrong or the weather makes my body throb.
Maybe that’s why I came back. Maybe I need someone to feel the same aching pain that I am.
But I’m not sure if I should tell him what happened because it won’t fix anything between us. All it will do is spread the pain. God knows, there’s enough to go around.
I pull from the wall and sneak away from the celebrations. But I jerk up short when I run into someone that I really don’t want to see. Someone who can give me away.
“Hello there. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen you.” Granny Margot stands in front of me and her shrewd brown eyes are spearing me in place. I gasp and I clench my hands at my side.
“Yes. Yes, it has. What are you doing here?”
She laughs. Literally throws her lavender gray curls back and laughs out loud. “It’s a party, dear. If there’s a party in this town, that’s where I’m at.”
Grimacing, I try to slink backwards. “I should’ve known that.”
She nods sagely. “Yes, you should have. I’ve seen you all these nights hiding.” She nods her head towards Ricky. “I’m assuming that you’re hiding from him.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say, pulling myself taller. Sure, I’m only five foot two but that’s still taller than Margot and I need every advantage that I can find.
She smirks and I see Louise standing off to the side watching us. “You know what I’m talking about, dear. I’m just curious why you’re back and why you’re stalking my grandson.”
“I’m not?—”
She shakes her head to stop me.
“Don’t try and tell me that you’re not.” Her head cocks to the side and her very observant chocolate eyes skate over me. “There’s something different about you.”
My heartbeat slams into overdrive and I force a laugh out. “Nothing different with me at all.”
“Where’s your little boy?” She leans to the side and looks behind me like she’s going to see him dart out any second.