Page 15 of Releasing Darkness
I quickly turned back to the fire, finding that it was quite difficult to tear my gaze away. I cleared my throat as he made his way closer and used the stone wall of the cave to slide back down into the same position he’d been in earlier.
“Here.” I shoved the meat that had finished cooking already in his direction without looking up. “I’ll have more ready soon.”
I received a grunt in response and felt the stick pulled from my hand. There were the sounds of teeth tearing at the only food we currently had. He let out a stifled moan as he chewed, and my gaze darted in his direction against my will. His eyes were closed and juices dripped down his chin. I could imagine that the expression he had on his face was the same if he were in the throes of ecstasy.
I bit back my own moan and shifted uncomfortably on the cold ground. Then, his words brought me back to reality.
“Tell me about my brothers.”
Ibit the inside of my cheek to hold in my cringe at the way his voice rasped out. It sounded so painful, as if his vocal cords were being scraped over gravel. I cleared my own throat on instinct, wishing I could help him, but knowing that showing any kind of pity towards him would only anger him and make him hate me more.
I shifted again, this time from discomfort, as I thought of what to say to him. I wasn’t sure what to say that wouldn’t make him feel bad for having missed out on so much of his brother’s lives. None of this situation was fair. So much had been stolen from Varos, and my heart ached for him.
“Uh, I’ve known Varek for about three hundred years. I’m actually one of his guards and help run his businesses. But you didn’t ask about me. Sorry.” I peeked over at him through my lashes to see his gaze trained on my lips. “Varek used to be considered the most powerful demon on the Earth realm for a very long time. He guarded the portal that leads into this forest. It’s the portal I am going to lead you to, actually. Then, a vampirefriend of his found Valen. It turned out that they knew each other a very long time ago.”
“A vampire?” He asked, his eyebrows drawn together.
“Yes.” I thought of all the differences in the realms and what Varos had missed in his time of captivity and felt a deep sadness for him. “In the Earth realm, there are vampires. It’s a species of human that started out as a type of curse that was really a punishment. They are nearly as strong as demons but have several weaknesses. Unless they are very old, they can’t withstand daylight and have to sleep during the day. They also need to drink blood to survive.”
“Sounds similar to several breeds of demon.”
I nodded my agreement. “There are similarities in some ways. However, vampires have other abilities that they consider gifts. Some can shapeshift into animals. Others can read minds. It’s actually pretty interesting.”
“Tell me about Valen. He was always a cocky fucker.”
A laugh burst out of me at the comment before clearing it away. I couldn’t imagine Valen being a cocky asshole, not with how quiet he always was. “Valen actually had a pretty rough time of his life in the Earth realm. Neither of them knew who they were or what kind of demon. They had both lost their memories from the very beginning of their exile. Valen found out that he could make people sick, so he stayed away from all humans when he could. It’s only been since he found his mate that he has felt comfortable and in control enough to be around others.”
Varos leaned forward with interest. “Mate?”
I thought of our own connection and looked away from his handsome face. I blinked away any moisture that rushed to fill my eyes and noticed the roasting meat over the fire was a little past done. Oops. I held it out. “This one is a little toasty. Do you want it?” He reached out for it while using his empty stick to stab more raw meat. Once he had three pieces on it, he handed itover. Our fingers brushed, sending sharp tingles running up my hand and settling in the mating brand on my wrist.
“Um, yes.” I finally spoke to answer his question. “Both of your brothers have mates, and Varek’s mate recently had a baby.”
“I’m an uncle.” I looked over to see him studying his food, but I couldn’t miss the expression that he was trying to control.
I gave him a small smile that he never looked up to see. “Yes,” I said softly. “A little boy they named Aiden. He’s so sweet.”
Varos cleared his throat from the emotion. “And what about Vanthos?”
I shook my head slowly. “I’m sorry. No one knows where he is. It’s only been within the last couple of weeks that the brothers have started to remember. They have had everyone they could searching for him. And you.”
He gave a sarcastic laugh that sounded even harsher with the damage to his throat, making me flinch back from the hostility pouring from him. “They sent you? My enemy’s daughter was who they chose to rescue me from the hell I’ve been in? While they are enjoying their mates and having fucking babies.” He shook his head. “Fucking figures.”
I shook my head, tearing my gaze away from the hatred in his and focusing on the cooking. I kept my tone low and calm, hoping to diffuse some of his anger. Though it wasn’t Varek or Valen’s fault, Varos was still completely justified in his anger.
“It’s not like that. They don’t even know where you are. If they knew, they would have come for you. But the truth is, they can’t even enter the Underworld. Whatever curse or spell was used to erase their memories has also blocked them from returning here.”
From the corner of my eye, I could see him leaning closer to me, and I did my best to suppress a shiver of trepidation. There was a snarl on his face, making his handsome features looksinister. “If they don’t know where I am, then why are you here? Who sent you? Is this a ploy to trap me? Maybe you want to hurt me the way your dearest daddy has? Are you upset that he never let you have any fun?”
I dropped the stick I was using to roast the meat, uncaring how or where it landed. I knew he was upset for so many reasons, being abandoned not being the least of them. But I wouldn’t take his abuse. I stood to my feet slowly and looked down at him as I curled my sharp nails into my palms, feeling the sting of them pricking my skin. “I am nothing like my father. I ran away when he killed my sister. I never wanted to come back to this realm. Ever! I only returned because someone told me to find you. I risked everything for you. I’m still in danger if he finds me. You are worried about being locked back up and tortured? He would have no qualms about torturing me, too. Only he wouldn’t stop until I was dead.”
I lifted my chin, avoiding eye contact with the obnoxious asshole that I couldn’t help but feel sorry for. “I’m going to head outside to check the perimeter. I’ll be back in a little while.” Not needing to see more contempt coming from the male who was meant by the fates to be my mate, I turned on my heels and walked away.