Page 38 of Releasing Darkness
“He’s with my dad back at the house. He brought him by earlier so we could see him but took him back home just a little while ago. We felt that it would be safer for him at the house, and Varek and I didn’t want to leave until you got better.”
As she bent over and started snipping away at the stitches, I turned to watch the brothers again, smiling at how happy they looked. Varek gestured to the others to sit down on the couches, and Varos eyed the room. I could tell he was still trying to get used to the changes. I had forgotten how different our realms were until I’d gone back. When I lived there, everything we had, while lavish for the Underworld, was so much more primitive than in the Earth realm. I doubted much had changed. But then Varos wouldn’t know either way, since he’d been held in a cell.
“All done!” Juliette announced as she stepped back. Kallista had a handful of tiny black threads that had been used to hold my abdomen closed. Juliette put the scissors away, then reached under the desk for a small trash can. After dumping the stitches in the garbage, we all turned to watch the guys.
“Do you think we should give them some time?” Kallista asked quietly.
“Maybe,” I hesitated, unsure. I wanted to be there for Varos, but I also didn’t want to intrude on the brother’s bonding time. “Oh, shit,” I whispered as Varek handed Varos a glass of what I figured was his usual expensive aged scotch. I was surprised when he took a sip and only the hint of a wince passed over his expression. I had been expecting a coughing fit, but he didn’t seem affected by the strong liquor in the least.
Varek gestured at us females who were still trying to figure out if we should stay or go, making up our minds for us. Together, we all walked over to our mates. Varek pulled Juliette into his lap, where she happily snuggled against his side. Kallista and I sat beside our mates, but we were both immediately yanked in close.
I glanced up at Varos. “You drank that down pretty easily. I’m impressed.”
He scoffed. “Compared to the spirits we drank in the Underworld, this is little more than mother’s milk.”
“The alcohol couldn’t have been that bad there,” Kallista laughed.
Valen chuckled. “No, he’s right. The shit there is pretty much Hydra piss. I’m fairly sure if a human drank it, it would burn their stomach into ash.”
I gasped. “You guys are remembering things, then?”
Valen and Varek shared a look. “Things are coming quicker now. Some memories are still hazy, but we are beginning to understand what happened and why.”
I shifted in my seat and eyed everyone. “I think I need to tell you about who I saw while I was in the in-between.”
Everyone looked at me, and Valen stood, heading for the liquor cabinet. “Hell, I think we're going to need another bottle to hear this one.”
Everyone filled their glasses in preparation for what Sasha had to say. I took them in as they all settled back into the admittedly comfortable seats. My brothers looked relaxed, though there was an edge to them both, one I likely shared, as they waited for the news.
Our reunion had gone better than I'd hoped. I had been afraid that they would be angry at me for ignoring them in favor of seeing to my mate when I’d first shown up. Instead, they welcomed me with understanding. When Varek had pulled me in for a hug, I had to admit, I had become misty eyed.
My brothers had been my best friends as we grew. We’d been inseparable since the womb, and even as we fought like the little demons we were, daring each other to do ridiculous and dangerous stunts, we stood shoulder to shoulder against anyone who thought to challenge one of us. Our poor mother had more patience than anyone should be expected to.
I knew we all still needed to talk, to strategize what our next steps should be. We also had to find Vanthos quickly. With the rot that was crawling through the Underworld, I didn’t think wehad much time to waste. I also knew that each of us wanted to make sure our mother was still alive and well.
Sasha cleared her throat and leaned forward as she prepared to speak. “So while I was in the in-between staring out into the nothingness, someone appeared.”
Juliette frowned. “Nothingness? That sucks. It was a beautiful meadow with butterflies flitting around for me.”
Sasha shook her head. “Yeah, no. There was nothing but thick fog swirling around so dense I couldn’t even see through it.” Sasha looked at me. “Honestly, it sort of reminded me of the shadows that make up your wings, horns, and tail. Only it was a deep gray color instead of black. Anyway, this beautiful female showed up. I’d never seen anyone as beautiful as she was. It almost hurt to look at her. I think that if I wasn’t numb to all my feelings, I likely would have been in pain, and I probably would have been scared. She said her name was Naamah.”
I inhaled sharply, as did my brothers. The two females didn't react, though I wouldn’t have expected their mates to understand since, from what I understood, they were half-human and hadn’t been raised in the Underworld. “The Mother of Demons came to you?”
Sasha nodded. “When I tell you this female was magnificent, trust me, there is no other way to describe her, and even that doesn’t do her justice. She’s the one who healed me. Well, maybe it was the water in the fountain. But without her, I don’t think I would have been able to heal from whatever that metal had poisoned me with. I think she came to me specifically so that I could tell you what she told me.”
Sasha looked around at each of us. “She spoke in metaphors a lot. She said that there is a weed in the Underworld that needs to be removed, that it is killing the land. She also mentioned that she’s not permitted to interfere, though she already has. I think she interfered more than once, too, including by saving me.”
She closed her eyes as she tried to remember all that she’d been told. I put my hand on her leg and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Don’t strain yourself trying to remember everything. Just tell us the most important parts that you do remember.” She nodded her head and gave me a grateful smile.
“So, she said some stuff that we were taught as young demon children. She created the demon race, which she called her children. Then, she assigned kings to keep them all under control. From what I understand, there is one king who isn’t supposed to be in place at all.”
Varek growled. “Lucifer.” I had to agree with him.