Page 20 of The Fox
He sets the cups down, making sure they won’t tip, before leaning up onto his knees and those blue eyes bore into mine. I want to shrink under the weight of his gaze, but something tells me that wouldn’t go over well.
He takes the bite, his lips ghosting over my fingers. His lips are warm and I feel my core tighten, a shiver running down my spine, as his tongue flicks against the pad of my thumb. Rhodes pulls back, a satisfied look is etched on his face. I see that the lines at the corner of his eyes are emphasized by joy. He sits back down, steepling those large hands, his eyes never leaving my face.
“Good?” I drop my eyes, focused on making my bite.
“Yes, you are.”
My eyes snap back up at him, shock lacing my face. Surely I misheard him, but the smug look on his face tells me that in fact, I did hear him correctly. I don’t know what to do with his statement, and he chuckles before grabbing a bundle of cherry tomatoes from the bag, popping one in his mouth.
We sit in silence, interspersed with tidbits of conversation. The sky has darkened a bit, the looming storm clouds lingering above us. I lay down, face up to the sky, and I feel the blanket move as Rhodes pulls his knees up to his body, resting his arms on them. A crack of lightning sparks across the sky with an immediate follow of thunder booming in the air. I turn my head to meet Rhodes’ stare and no sooner does my mouth open, rain pelts from the sky.
Raindrops splash on my skin and I wish I could stay in this moment forever.
“We should probably head back to the truck,” Rhodes says as he starts gathering our things. I stand, the both of us now soaked to the bone. I can’t take my eyes off the way his black t-shirt is clinging to him, the way his torso is a series of hard ridges tapering to his hips. I lick my lips, the taste of rain lingering on them. I wish it was the salt of him instead.
Rhodes reaches back for me, his hand flexing in question. I grab it and we start to make our way back to the truck. The grass is slick and the ground is muddy. I feel myself start to slip. One last step and I go down, my bottom landing in the mud and I burst out laughing as Rhodes follows me down. Raindrops plant on my face and the only thing I can do is laugh. I feel it bubble from the depths of my soul, building until I explode. I am fully laughing. It is a belly laugh and one I haven’t experienced in a while.
I hear a deep rumble beside me and it wraps itself around my body like a hug. I look between us and we are nothing but mud and rain. Rhodes pulls himself up, reaching down for me and pulling me to standing. My body fits into the contours of his, the wet material between us doing nothing to calm this fire his touch has ignited within me. Rhodes’ face is filled with sheer happiness and my walls start to crumble a bit more.
We carefully make our way to his truck and a wild idea takes root in my mind. “Do you want to come back to my place? Maybe clean up? I can cook us something, if you want.” I bounce my leg against the fabric seat, fully aware that it is now soaked like I am.
“Are you sure? I keep a spare bag in the backseat of clothes. I can just change if that makes you more comfortable.”
I take a deep breath. I can do this.I can do this.I face him, forcing my fingers to not move toward my cuticles.
“Rhodes, please?” His eyes leave the road for a moment as he considers me. I don’t back down from his glare, staying firm in my request.
“If you’re sure, Amelia. I’ll bring my bag in with us and then yes, I’d love for you to cook something.” His throat bobs. “I’ll let you shower first and I’ll hang out until you’re done.”
I exhale harshly before I turn to peer out the window.Don’t freak out. It will be fine. This is fine.
We reach my house and as we walk through the door, Lennon chirps at Rhodes from his perch. I stop, giving him a pat on the head and a belly rub before starting down the hall. Rhodes calls out, extending his bag to me. It is a silent ask for me to take the canvas bag with me, and I don’t mind. Taking the bag from his hand, I spin on my heel and make my way to the bathroom. Pausing to peer over my shoulder, I spot Rhodes give Lennon some affection.
Reaching the bathroom, I strip, not looking in the mirror at my naked body and crank the shower as hot as it’ll go. I step in, the scent of vanilla embracing me and I start to work the loofah over my body.
I need the water hotter. I still feel them on me and I just want to feel like myself again. It doesn’t fucking work. I still feel their touches, the way they leered at my body.
I run the loofah along my abdomen, washing the rain, mud, and memories down the drain. I wash my hair quickly, deciding to throw a leave-in conditioner in my waves before stepping out to dry myself off. I could walk into my closet, and grab a change of clothes, but Rhodes’ bag is too tempting. The way he smells is a hug I cannot get enough of, so I unzip the bag and rummage through, finding a soft orange t-shirt and slipping it over my head.
Mine now.
I lean against the door frame, taking the sight of her in. This is the purest form of Amelia. She’s stolen my t-shirt from my grab-bag after her shower, leaving me with just a pair of sweatpants. My shirt doesn’t do much to hide those sinful curves. The hem falls to Amelia’s midthigh and as she dances to the sounds of her home, I trace the flexing of her calves. She shifts her weight back and forth, as she adds something to the striped bowl in front of her. I hear the roars of dinosaurs on the television, the sound competing with whatever she has blasting through the wireless speakers on the counter. Her hair is in the loosest of buns, piled high atop her head with several strands falling down onto her shoulders, a weaving of lavender and rich umber tones that I want to run my hands through.
The kitchen island separates the two of us and my gut tells me Amelia needs this moment. I have come to understand that she doesn’t get many of these simple days, where the darkness that seems to loom over her fades.I understand why she had been so reluctant to allow me in this sacred space. This is her temple and I am merely here to worship. Despite all the progress we’d made over the last few months, I feel like there are still pieces of herself she clings to, as if letting them go would make her seem weak. I’m not sure how to convince her that she can let her walls down, that I will catch her should she fall. I would bet she is dead set on not relying on men for anything.
I clear my throat and move closer. My bare feet are soft against the tiled floor, and I take notice of the way her kitchen feels like a warm embrace.
“I hear you breathing, Ro.” I can hear the wicked smirk on her lips, and my heart nearly stops at hearing that name fall from them. I don’t know if she meant to give me a nickname, but I also am not about to stop her from doing it either.
“What are you making,kochanie?” I glance at the counter behind her, taking note of the ingredients. “Are you cooking for me?” There is not a measuring cup or spoon to be had. Amelia is making this recipe from memory.
“What does that mean,‘kochanie’?” She looks over her shoulder, hands still mixing whatever it is in front of her.