Page 44 of Bean
I could still hear an echo of his voice begging for more—to be touched, to be brought to the edge and then gently pulled over. I could still taste the flavor of him in his deep kisses and feel the heat of his body as he flushed under my praises.
Fuck, I wanted him again.
I gripped myself and began to stroke, my arm immediately burning from how fast I was moving it. But I didn’t care. Just the memory of Bean had me teetering at the edge.
“Fuck,” I whispered. My voice rang out against the tiles, and I thought about how gorgeous he would sound—a symphony of his moans echoing around us. I hadn’t had enough time with him.
My orgasm rushed up my spine. “Bean.” I groaned and came with his name on my tongue. My knees threatened to buckle, and I braced myself as pleasure ripped through me. My cum hit the tiles at my feet, and through hazy eyes, I watched it gather water, then swirl down the drain.
Would he like that? Watching me lose it at the thought of him?
I had a feeling he would.
I grabbed the soap, washing away the evidence of my little solo session, then I rinsed off and got out, heading into my bedroom. It felt oddly empty and lonely, and I was so tired of living here. I wanted my townhouse to be done. I wanted my life to finally feel like it was starting again.
Flopping on my bed still naked, I pawed around for my phone, then brought up Bean’s last text.
When can I see you?
When there was no answer, I forced myself to stand and get dressed. I could cook—or, better yet, if I wanted to enjoy my food—I could order in. Delivery wasn’t the best option, but it was something. I headed back into the bathroom to comb my hair, then felt brave enough to check my phone again.
There was a message waiting, and my heart kicked up a notch.
I’m off in half an hour. Pick me up?
I’ll head over now. I need something to eat before we burn a bunch of calories.
Bean sent a blushing face in return and I pressed my phone to my chest. I had no business liking him this much, but god help me, I was smitten. I’d deal with it. I’d had crushes before, and they hadn’t ruined me. And it felt nice to finally feel something for someone again.
With Gio, it had been dull at best and exhausting at worst. Bean was the fresh air I’d been needing to breathe for so long.
Throwing on my shoes, I braced myself for another wave of fog as I stepped back outside. Luckily, Zayd’s place was just up the block, and their food had gone from good to great in the last few weeks, which I appreciated. I didn’t have much appetite these days, but a little comfort food was getting me through the lonelier evenings.
The cool bay breeze felt good against my skin as I walked the short distance between the rental and the bar, and I smiled up at the bear before walking inside. It wasn’t too busy, which was nice, and I zeroed in on an empty seat at the bar.
There was a small crowd, and Zayd was behind the bar. He tossed me a wink as I slid onto the stool and grabbed the menu off the little stand.
“Something light,” I told him. “With protein.”
“Okay, not the special. It’s fettuccini alfredo,” Zayd said, tapping his chin. “Oh. The new guy’s fish tacos are pretty damn decent. We have them grilled and fried.”
New guy. That would be Bean. My heart swelled.
“That sounds amazing. I’ll take them grilled. And let your new chef know that your favorite customer is a huge fan of his work. The food’s been much better around here lately.”
Zayd looked confused and happy as he punched my order into his little screen. “It was getting rough for a while. My brother was the kitchen manager, but he took off a few months ago, and I didn’t want to tell him I was drowning.”
“Older brother?”
He rolled his eyes and snorted. “How’d you guess? Omar’s exactly eleven months older, but he acts like it’s eleven years.”
“Mine’s only ten months,” I told him, and when he lifted a brow, I clarified. “Same dad, different moms. My dad was a jackass.”
“Ah. My parents just wanted a big family.” He leaned on the bar and propped his chin on his fist. “Six sisters, four brothers. I’m the second youngest, and I swear nothing I do is right.”