Page 28 of The Midnight King
It’s the best he can do, so I nod. “Thank you.”
He helps me to a kitchen chair, eyeing my injured foot. “You know I could heal that for you. It would only take a few moments.”
He’s talking about his “vital essence” and its restorative power. He’s offering to feed me his cum.
Heat quivers at my core and buzzes along my skin. I can feel the blood surging into my cheeks. “No.”
“You’d rather limp around the ball tomorrow night?”
He’s right, damn it. With this injury, dancing will be impossible and walking will be difficult. “When you bring the dagger, maybe you can bring another cinnamon roll as well.”
“I’ll be glad to,” he says. “If you’re sure you don’t want immediate relief.”
“You realize you’re asking if you can come in my mouth.”
“That would be the easiest way to do it, yes.” He smirks a little. His burned lips are noticeably better, but they still look raw and painful. I remember how he knelt and kissed my anklet, knowing it would hurt him, hoping his kiss might set me free. It was a lovely thing for him to do, and I’ve looked at him a little differently since then.
After the King and I explored the vault, he didn’t mention wanting to see me a third time. To be fair, I ran away from him again when the clock began to strike, but he could have called out to me. I even lingered in the hallway, just to see if he would catch up and request another tryst. But he didn’t.
The King is wonderful, and my heart aches that I ruined our connection with distrust. But I will probably never see him again, so I shouldn’t feel guilty about taking pleasure elsewhere. After all, I haven’t committed myself solely to him. I’m free to do what I like, within the confines of my stepmother’s laws. And my Faerie godfather is not one of the young men I’m forbidden to fuck. He might look as if he’s in his mid-twenties, but he’s neither young nor human.
There’s no one here to know what happens between us—no one to rebuke me for whatever I choose to do.
“My family might be back soon,” I say. “How fast can we do this?”
He chuckles, and something in the sound tugs at my brain. “I have a fresh memory of you running toward me naked. It won’t take long.”
“Maybe this will help.” With my heart pounding at my own boldness, I rise from the chair and take off the fluffy robe, spreading it on the floor. I seat myself on it, naked, in as graceful a pose as I can manage.
“That certainly helps.” His voice is tight with need, and there’s a pronounced shape pressing against the front of his trousers. He unbuttons them and produces a long, smooth cock, flushed pink, with glistening arousal already beading at its tip.
He steps up beside me, stroking himself, and I try not to think about how much I like watching his ring-laden fingers gliding along his length.
“You fucked someone again tonight,” he says. Not a question. A statement of fact, one I can’t deny, so I say nothing.
The Faerie’s eyes travel my body, lingering with particular fondness on my breasts. “Tell me what it was like. How you felt.”
“Why do you want to know? You and I have a bargain based on a deal you made with my father. Nothing more. And this, what we’re doing now—it’s merely a business transaction. Count it as one of the favors you owe me, if you like.”
“A business transaction… because you’d never consider fucking me.”
Again, a statement, one that sends a wild thrill through my chest. “You’re Fae.”
“And?” He keeps stroking, but he’s looking me in the eyes now.
“It would be complicated.”
“Your other dalliance isn’t?”
He’s got me there. For a few moments, I can’t figure out how to respond.
“You’re beautiful,” I say at last. “And you’re sweet. And you know too much about me, yet not enough. I couldn’t bear it.”
He hesitates, long fingers curled around his cock. “You couldn’t bear it? What does that mean?”
It means he’s too close to me already, just like the King. And I couldn’t bear to let anyone else that deep inside my body and my heart, only to lose them. I’m already sad about the King—if I went through something similar with the Faerie, it would hurt too much.
Instead of answering him, I tip my face up, open my mouth, and put out my tongue. His lavender eyes heat instantly and he resumes stroking himself. Seconds later he’s moving closer, aiming for my open lips without touching me. His release hits the flat of my tongue, glazing it in vanilla sweetness.