Page 19 of Feint
He looked between me and T again, then smiled. “Well then, in that case, let’s go, Rosalie.”
He nodded at T, and T stepped back with a smile on his face, his hands held up in front of him in aI mean you no harmtype of way. We walked out and both slid into Jayden’s car, driving home in total silence. I was ready for this night to be over at this point.
But when I went to open the passenger door after we parked at his house, he grabbed my arm, stopping me from exiting. “Rosalie, wait.”
I closed the door again. And look down at my hands before I peered up at Jayden. He didn’t look angry, more like he was worried.
“W-what’s wrong?” I asked, fidgeting in my seat.
“You’re okay, right? I know you say you’re okay, but I don’t think you’ve actually run into anyone who knew him since he left, have you?” Jayden asked, his grip firm but comforting as he brought his hand from my arm to my back.
He was right. I hadn’t run into anyone that I’d met when I was with AJ since he had broken up with me. I let out a sigh.
“Y-yeah… it just kinda surprised me, running into him. But I’ll be fine. Kordell should be home anytime, and I totally spaced that we’re going to watch a movie tonight, so I won’t even really think about it once I go home.”
I put on what I hoped was a reassuring smile, and I knew it wasn’t fooling him at all. Stupid twin vibes—he always did know when I was hiding something.
“Honestly, Jayden, I wanna go home, take a shower, and forget I ever ran into him—that’s all. If AJ had wanted me to think about him, he wouldn’t have blocked me. But he did, so… yeah, it’s whatever. I’m over it.”
I was in fact obviously not over it—something that had hit me hard in that store. I’d thought I was moving on more lately! Dang it, would I ever be able to be happy with someone besides AJ? I actually worried I wouldn't be.
“You can always stay here until he gets home if you want, Rosalie. Bonnie and Rachel, they wouldn’t mind—” Jayden started, and I shook my head.
“Umm, yeah, no. Bonnie was already getting antsy over you when we left. Think you’re going to be plenty busy when you walk in that door.”
I giggled, just thinking about the whole situation. Not that I fully got it—because there was no way Kordell would be cool with me being with anyone but him, and AJ definitely wouldn’t share with… CRAP!
“UGHHH!” I groaned.
Jayden looked at me, and then he did something I hadn’t expected. He leaned over and pulled me into a hug, and I could barely hold the tears back.
“I don’t WANT to keep thinking about him!” I choked out, still barely holding the waterworks back.
He hugged me tighter. “I know, sis. So, don’t. Go home, take that shower, and enjoy your night with your new guy.” He pulled away, and I gave him a shaky smile.
And then we exited the car and waved bye as I walked down the street to my driveway next door.
Kordell wasn’t home yet, so I let myself inside and did exactly what I’d said I was going to do. I went and took a shower to wash away any lingering thoughts of AJ that I had. It wasn’t until I got out of the shower that I noticed I had an unread message from Kordell.
Hey, not gonna be able to make it home tonight. Got caught up in some work. Catch you tomorrow, little mama.
I sighed and decided against walking out to the living room and watching TV by myself. Instead, I grabbed my phone charger and slid into the covers of my bed, propping myself up a bit. I settled in to watch some funny videos on my phone. Ididn’t know how long it was before my eyes started to get heavy. I turned the phone off, and I snuggled down into the blankets, drifting off to sleep.
And I never thought Iwould wake up to the sound of his voice.
“Hey, baby girl. Time to get up.”
My eyes flew open, and there he was, leaning over me. His hair peeked out from under his hat, his half-skull mask yanked up over his nose, and his beautiful amber eyes stared back at me. The sun was pouring into my room—our room. I noticed I was in my old room.
Did he carry me in here in my sleep?
I reached up and stroked the side of his face. It was warm. It was really him.
“AJ?” I asked, half asleep still.