Page 59 of Feint
Yanking on my helmet, I peeled off down the road in the same direction as her parents. Eventually, I caught up to where they were on the freeway. And, shit, I guessed street racing was really in her blood with the way her parents were ripping down the highway, in and out of traffic, narrowly avoiding collisions as they went.
But what her mom had said was stuck in my head.
What the fuck did she mean she was going to see someone who could actually bring Rosalie home safe? Who do you go to when your daughter gets abducted? Fuck, what if it's the police?
I swore under my breath and decided to follow them. If they went to a police station, I would have to do anything I needed in order to stop her from going into there to file a missing person report. The last thing I needed was a bunch of police showing up at the clubhouse and poking their noses where they didn’t belong.
We kept cruising through the city, but before we went into LA, we took an exit. I kept following as far back as possible. I didn’t want them to know they were being followed. We drove into the countryside a while before driving along a massive ranch estate. Horses roamed the fields, and a house on a hill was situated in the middle of the property. I slowed down as I saw their cars pull into the long driveway.
Shit, I couldn’t see anything where I was. But I noticed there was a road on the hill across from the property, and I remembered seeing a turnoff a minute back. So, I turned and sped back down the street, and a few minutes later I was crouching in a bush on the hillside directly across from the house.
Their cars were parked in the roundabout drive in front of the house. There were a few men standing around Rose and Kayden as they stood next to each other, facing the house. I squinted. Were they holding rifles? Then, I watched the front door open, and a man dressed in a black-and-white suit appeared. I wasn’t kidding. He was like a legit butler from an old era, style-wise. He motioned to her parents, and they slowly followed him inside.
I kept looking around the property, looking for a sign for who the hell owned this place when a flash of light caught my eye, and that was when I looked down and saw it.
A red dot of light on my chest right over my heart.
Holy fuck.
I looked up, and that was when I saw the glint of a scope. Whoever the fuck lived here had a goddamn sniper working for them. I held my hands up and slowly backed away. The dot held steady as I moved, never leaving the place it had taken aim before. I got on my bike and started it. When I looked in the direction of the sniper, the light glare disappeared, and I looked down. No more red dot. It was a warning. A warning to fuck all the way off. Didn’t have to tell me twice.
I sped down the road, putting the mansion on a ranch well behind in my rearview. Now, I had a lot more questions. But they would have to wait to be answered.
I kept riding fast until I got to her street, and then I slowed, keeping aware of my surroundings in case it was an ambush. Something that hadn’t hit me until I got down the street from here. It was stupid to come here alone. I needed to be extra careful. I drove past her place first, scanning the area. But there wasn’t anything out of place. I flipped a U-turn and parked in her driveway.
Getting off, I walked over to the door. That was when I noticed the envelope on her doorstep.
This one was bigger. And not addressed. I guessed they’d figured only I would look at the license hard enough to know where to go from there. But why the fucking guessing game? Why not just come out and tell me what they wanted?
I walked back over to my bike and carefully opened it. The Suns logo was on the inside flap again. I turned the envelope on its side, and my mind went wild when I saw the contents. Three photos and a pair of bright blue panties. Her panties. I looked atthe photos one after the other, all photos of her, tied up in the back of a van with a bike next to her. She didn’t look conscious in that one. Must have been taken last night. The second one was her sleeping in a bed, tied up differently but still bound nonetheless. The third made my blood burn. It was Rosalie, hands bound behind her and naked, with a man standing behind her, tipping her tearstained face to the camera by gripping her hair.
These motherfucking Suns. If they did more than strip her… I would kill every single one of them. Slowly and painfully for touching what was mine.
I looked around again. Someone had to be here, right? Was there a camera? I still didn’t see anything, but as I was about to put her panties and photos back into the envelope, I noticed writing on the back of the photos. I flipped them all over and started reading.
The photo of her in the back of a van had,You caught the president off guard, so we did the same with your girl.
The photo of her sleeping on the bed had,You stole something of value to us; we stole something of yours.
The photo of her naked had a location and date with the words,Comealone, and we won’t hurt her. Bring anyone, and she will leave in as many pieces as men you bring.
Fuck, fuck, FUCK!
Their message was crystal clear now. Me for my girl. Revenge for their president. And if I walked into this exchange, I’d be dead quicker than I could blink. If I missed it, I had zero doubts they would do something else to her to intensify the situation. And while I was sure they wouldn’t kill her yet… fuck, there were so many things they could do to her. If only she had been more aware the night he came for her, she might have gotten away! But, no, Rosalie probably let him give her a fucking hug beforehe took her because she was too fucking trusting around strange men!
I tossed the photos back into the envelope. I did a walk-through around and inside the house, but nothing else was out of place. It looked like they’d never come inside. I looked at a photo of her on the wall with her family. I needed to get her back, needed to feel her in my arms again. But how the fuck was I going to do that alone? I didn’t know if I could. I was sure it’d be an ambush when I showed up.
I pulled out my phone and googled the address that was on the back of the one photo. Yeah, if the Suns were there before me, there were way too many places they could be hiding and taking cover. I could be surrounded in a matter of moments, and there was no guarantee they would let Rosalie go after they had me.
Shit… I knew where I needed to go, but after this morning, a part of me didn’t want to go to them. But was I going to let my pride get in the way of bringing my girl home safe?
I packed the envelope and began to ride to her parents’ house. I knew where they lived. Rosalie had talked about it multiple times whenever we passed by their house. I drove over to one of the biggest houses in the LA area. One house that had been compared to a famous mansion at one point with its massive size and styling and the fact that it had a fucking lagoon in the backyard. I pulled up to the gate. I hoped they were home by now from whoever the fuck they had met with. I hit the buzzer on the gate, and I heard a winding sound of a camera before her dad’s voice came over a mic.
“What are you doing here, Kordell? Did you hear something else about Rosalie?” he asked.
I nodded.
The gate started to open, and I pulled down the long driveway. This house had a huge parking area in the front of thehome. I knew it had been the place of a few exclusive car meets back in the day as well. Like, shit, I had known my girl came from money, but this really put it in perspective. How she wasn’t a snobby, spoiled bitch I wouldn’t ever know. But I was glad she wasn’t. But maybe if she were, she wouldn’t be with a guy like me or in the position she was in now. Fuck, I should have known to have someone watch her since I was on the Suns’ shit list. Of course they might try and go after her if they found out about her. I parked my bike in front of the doors that had a huge fountain in the middle of it.