Page 63 of Feint
He sneered at me. I looked down, fighting back my feelings of fear and anger. God, he was just so evil-looking. I couldn’t stand to look at how happy and smug he was about this whole thing.
“Here’s the plan for your little boyfriend. We sent him a message, telling him to meet us at a remote location, where the Suns have the territory advantage, alone. And if he doesn’t… well, let’s just say you’d better hope he does.”
He gripped my jaw hard and forced me to look at him. I swallowed hard from the look he was giving me.
“Because if he doesn’t… you’ll be tied to a bike while every member of the Suns and I use your body however we want, for as long as we want. And we’re gonna film it all, and send it to him in a nice little box to watch at his leisure.”
“P-please let me go…” I whispered, my voice trembling.
The man sitting next to me sighed.
“And if he does show? How do you want this to go down?” he rumbled.
With one more grip and chuckle, Mack let go of my jaw and started to pace the room in front of us again.
“If he does show? Ohhh fuck, will that be a good time. When Kordell shows up, have your men ready for more than they bargained for before rushing in. He talks tough, but he should be easy enough to take down if you get the jump on him. He carries a pistol and a small SMG on him, so keep that in mind. And a switch in his boot usually.”
He went through details about how Kordell usually shot, where he would most likely shoot at first on a body, and how his fighting style usually was in a hand-to-hand way.
“But knowing him, he won’t come alone. Not even for his own good piece of ass over here.” He jammed his finger in my direction. “Have her with you out front, and if he tries anything, kill her. Then, kill him or injure him, then present him to your president—I don’t give a fuck. Just make sure that night is the last night Kordell breathes air. And when I have proof of it being done, I’ll give you a quarter mil, plus the contact to the Kkangpae so you can be their new supplier. Just like we planned.” His voice was so full of hatred toward Kordell. I would have never expected him to be like this from all the times I saw him around the clubhouse.
Rivalry really started all of this?I wondered. But not enough time to wonder long as he walked back over to me and all of my attention was on what he would say or do next.
“If you try to run again before we meet up, bitch, I will break your ankles and fuck your pussy until it’s sore and raw, you understand?”
Just to prove his point, he gripped my pussy hard over my pants. I clenched my legs and whimpered.
Nodding my head, I whispered, “Yes… I won’t run anymore.” I meant it. I had to keep myself safe right now too—at least until I figured out how to get a message to Kordell that it was a trap to meet them.
“Good.” He stepped back and turned toward the other guy. “I need to get back to the clubhouse since I was called back from my ‘trip’ because she went missing. Call me if you need anything else, and I'll be in touch if I find anything else out before that night.”
My captor nodded and watched as Mack left the house. He waited until his truck fired up and the sound faded into the distance before speaking.
“I told you it wouldn’t go well for you if you tried to run. Let’s get you to bed. Are you hungry?”
He stood, and I slowly shook my head before I followed him. My body was sore and tired from the day, and my adrenaline was wearing off. I was exhausted as we walked into my room. I saw my window was completely boarded up on the inside and out, so my only chance at escaping was through the front door now. Fat chance of that happening. I sat on the bed, and he took the rope and tied it to the bed frame. Then, he did the same for my feet. I had some slack, but not enough to bring my hands below my waist.
“Yell if you need anything,” I heard him say as he walked out of the room and sat back on the couch, turning the TV on.
Yeah, what I needed was to get out of here to try and stop anything bad from happening to Kordell. But that didn’t look like it was possible, and I was afraid I was going to lose another person I loved. I lay down and buried my face into the pillow. Silent sobs left my lips as tears started to flow down my face. I was useless. There was nothing I could do. And hopelessness settled into my bones at the thought that I wouldn’t ever see Kordell or my family ever again.
Turned out her parents’definition of being in touch was messaging me the next day, saying that they had everything else in place, and all I needed to do was show up to the location alone and do what they told me to do to keep Rosalie safe.
Well, fuck that. There was no way I was going to go with their plan, so I had a talk with Damien this morning about what we could do. She said she could have two dozen men waiting down the road and that I had the pick of bikers to ride with me, and I did just that, choosing the road captain and almost two dozen other men. I had most of them go with taking their trucks or SUVs versus their bikes. It was easier for them to blend in at the rest stop. They started leaving today. Eight of them went in a crappy RV to camp there overnight. They would hop in other members’ trucks as they rolled in, but it was a smart move—something I’d never expected Wilder to come up with. Gotta give that kid more credit.
The day came and went with our preparations, and I lay awake half the night wondering if my girl was all right.
Was she being treated well, or were they doing—
No, I couldn’t think like that. They’d said they wouldn’t harm her if I came. I hoped they still had a little honor left as a club.
I woke up the next day with minimum sleep, but still enough where my head felt clear. We got the rest of the men to space out when they went to the rest area and which spots they would be parked at so they could avoid being detected early. Also for them to not wear anything revealing a patch ahead of time. Glancing at my phone, I knew it was going to be getting closer to when I had to leave.
Damien walked out to my bike with me.