Page 25 of Wicked Delivery
I nodded and smiled at him. But inside, my heart plummeted. This meant my sexy stranger would leave tonight after all.
“Oh, thank you so much for letting me know,” I said.
When he walked away, I closed the door. With a sigh, I walked back into the living room.
“Good news! You’ll be able to go home tonight. The power company is working on the tree right now, so it won’t be too long before the road will be cleared and you can leave.” I tried to keep a smile on my face, but it was almost like those silver eyes of his could see right through me.
He reached out and grabbed my wrists, tugging me down onto his lap once more. “Then, I guess we should make the most of the rest of the time we have left together, huh?” he said, flashing me a malicious grin.
I blushed as my mind wandered back to a short while ago, where he’d had me on this couch, fucking me into sweet oblivion.
“What do you have in mind?” I whispered as I leaned in closer to his lips.
He kissed me. First just a soft kiss, then again and again. Each time, the kiss got more passionate and deeper until we had ourtongues practically down each other’s throat. He moved us until I was sitting on the cushion and he was between my legs. After another few minutes of making out, he pulled back and stood up.
I wasn’t sure what he had planned next, but fuck was I excited to find out.
Chapter 19
“Let’s play a game,”I said as I leaned away from her on my knees.
She tipped her head slightly to the side in confusion. “A game?”
I smirked at her as I stood in front of the couch, tugging on my underwear. Seeing the DM chat with me earlier on her phone had confirmed without a doubt that Lexi was my Alexandra07. So, why not finish tonight in a way she would never forget?
“Hide-and-go-seek, Lexi. I’ll give you thirty seconds, counting down from the laundry room, and you can hide wherever you think will be safest. I have five minutes to find you, and if I do, well, I’ll do exactly what I feel like doing to your perfect body, baby girl. So, let the game begin.”
I confidently strolled out of the living room and into the kitchen, feeling her eyes burning holes in the back of my head as I walked away, knowing that she would be excited and anxious about what was about to happen.
I opened the door into the laundry room and loudly started the countdown. “THIRTY.”
I could hear movement as the door softly clicked closed, and I counted in my head.
Twenty-nine. Twenty-eight. Twenty-seven.
God, this night has been one hell of an experience. I’m never going to bitch about coming to this neighborhood for a delivery again. Who knows? Maybe I’ll factor in extra time and come here for a pit stop.
I shifted my cock, already getting hard at the thought of what was about to happen. I assumed that her interest in the Scream movies meant she would enjoy being chased and hunted down.
Twenty-two. Twenty-one. Twenty.
Then, it hit me. The candles were still lit around the house. I bet she would never expect me to turn off the damn breaker. I chuckled.
Fifteen. Fourteen. Thirteen—my lucky number.
I kept counting until I got to one. Then, I grabbed the breaker switch.
I smirked as I yanked the breaker, and the house dimmed, the generator humming in the distance outside. Figured if my little freak loved scary movies, I’d give her one of her own.
Opening the door as quietly as possible, I stood still for a moment, just listening. I couldn’t hear any movements nearby, so either she wasn’t around here or she was good and hidden. I grabbed the flashlight off the counter as I passed it. You never knew when you might need a good tool for a jump-scare.
I first made my way through the kitchen. There were only one or two spaces she could fit in around here. Then, I cleared the dining room and living room. Nothing. I crept quietly down the hallway toward the rooms she had gone toward earlier. Might as well start at the end and work my way back.
The first door I checked was obviously her son’s bedroom. Posters of cars, women, and video game characters decorated the space.