Page 32 of Wicked Delivery
I ran over tothe front door and threw it open. But when I looked out into the light, misty rain, his car was no longer at the bottom of my driveway. He had already disappeared into the night, like a ghost of my memories.
Shivering from the chilly air, I closed the door before I walked back into my living room. I sat down on the couch, my mind running a million miles an hour as I continued to glance at his profile.
What are the odds that the guy I was sexting earlier was Kain?! Like, what the actual fuck? How does that even happen? Aren’t they supposed to verify ages for dating apps? But when has that ever stopped a teenage boy from getting into sites they want?
All I knew was, I had a bunch of questions, and only Kain could answer them.
But there was no way I was going to message him. I couldn’t do that, right? He was a minor! I needed to stay far away from him if I knew what was good for me. But at the same time, everything that had happened tonight felt good to me. We’d feltright together. And I couldn’t shake the thought that the feeling was mutual.
I hovered my finger over the Block button. But then I threw my phone across the couch as a DM from FreakishStrings flashed across my screen.
I glanced at the window, then scolded myself for being so ridiculous. This wasn’t a slasher movie. Kain wasn’t sitting outside my window, watching me look at my phone.
I should just delete the app, but then again, he might just show up at my house if I ignored him. He knew where I lived. Besides, I was awfully curious about what he’d said.
Just open it already! What is it going to hurt at this point?
I clicked on the messages and opened the DM.
Before you freak out, you should know that I didn’t know you were Alexandra07 until you opened your front door. As much as I’m sure you’re into a stalker vibe, based on your movie tastes, baby girl, it was pure fate that I walked up to your doorstep tonight. But fuck am I glad that I did.
My heart skipped a beat as I read his message. As much as I could be skeptical about what he’d said, I felt like he was telling the truth.
Okay, even if that is true, that you didn’t know I lived here ahead of time… it doesn’t change the fact that I am way too old for you—even if you were actually an adult too. It doesn’t matter if we had an amazing time or that I felt more connected to you thananyone else. You’re the same age as my son, Kain. It’s just wrong.
I could feel my eyes getting foggy. Was I really getting upset, telling him that what had happened tonight couldn’t happen again?
First of all, I’ll be the judge of if you are too old for me, and you are, in fact, perfect. I don’t care if I’m the same age as your son. I fucked you like an adult would, didn’t I?
I paused. Was he literally just going to dismiss that what we had done tonight wasn’t even legal? And then try to bait me to answer that last question? Well, if he was looking for some pushback, he’d get it.
KAIN, that’s not how it works. It doesn’t matter how you feel. It doesn’t matter if the answer is yes to your question. If I got caught naked with you, I would go to jail. I can’t take that risk. No matter how I feel, this has to be the end of us.
I swallowed hard; my mouth was so dry. I put my phone in my pocket and got up. Pouring myself another glass of water, I eyed the glass he had drunk from earlier before I dumped it out and put it in the dishwasher. My phone vibrated in my pocket.
Baby girl, we won’t get caught. I can’t let things end here. We can keep it on the down-low until I’m legally an adult in a few months. No one isgoing to poke their nose into my business. And if you’re worried about your son finding out, then we can meet up somewhere else when we can. It’s no pressure and all pleasure. So, stop sacrificing what you want for everyone else. I want YOU. I want to see you and hold you and fuck your perfect pussy, Lexi.
My emotions were all mixed up even though I logically knew this was something I shouldn’t do. My heart was telling me to just free-fall into whatever this was with Kain. That I could let him in, see if there was more there than just sexual attraction. And I already felt like there was. In the short time we had spent together tonight, I felt like I had met the other half of my soul. And to try to keep away from him would kill me.
I sighed and started to type out my next message.
Let’s say IF—and that’s a massive if, Kain—I agreed with you and we could meet up in secret at least until you’re 18… what would that kind of relationship be? What wouldwemean? Just a casual hookup?
Do you want it to just be a casual hookup?