Page 5 of Wicked Delivery
“Fuck, man!” I snapped as I closed the app and answered the phone.
“Finally! I need you back here, man. You’ve been gone almost an hour!”
“Took longer at that house party to get things dropped off than you’d thought it would,” I said through gritted teeth.
My erection was softening, and I knew there was no way I could finish what I’d started now.
Fucking damn it. She was fun to play with too.
“Well, I don’t give a shit. Get back now. I’ve got another order waiting to go, and the phones have not stopped yet,” Jared said. Then, I heard him pull the speaker away from his mouth, and he hollered at one of the waitstaff.
“Be there in ten,” I said before hanging up.
I tucked my dick back into my pants before I begrudgingly started up my car, pulling onto the road and driving as fast as I dared back to Ghouls. The rain was really coming down now, and the wind was picking up. This was shaping up to be a really crappy night at work.
Shit, don’t fail me tonight, tires. I got a gig this weekend that I need to be alive for.
By the time I got there, Jared was standing at the door, pizza box in hand, waving at me frantically.
Fuck me, he’s seriously standing at the damn door, waiting for me?
I sighed and pulled my hood over my head before I got out of my car. I walked up to him and took the box from him.
“Here! It goes a few blocks down, so drop it off and then come back. I’m sure we will have another order for you.”
I strolled over to my car before making the quick delivery trip.
After I got back into the parking lot at Ghouls, I pulled out my phone, reopening up the messages to that irresistible blonde.
Hey, baby girl. Sorry I dipped like that, but I’m here now. Finish where we left off?
I sat there for a couple of minutes, just waiting and watching the screen. Her profile came online, and I felt myself get hard again. I pulled out my dick, stroking it hard to get ready. Should have known it wouldn’t go like I’d wanted it to.
Yeah, you kind of blew it. No offense, but the moment is over, and I have other things I need to do.
And with that, she went back offline.
FUCK. Really struck out with that one.
I hummed low in my throat and cranked up my radio as a Bryce Savage song came on. I considered watching some porn to finally release all this built-up cum. Then, I saw the back door to Ghouls open, and light poured out into the parking lot. I pushed that thought aside as I shoved my dick back into my pants.
“Guess it’s just not my fucking night,” I growled out as I shoved the door of my car open, letting the music blast out into the lot as I walked over to swap out pizza bags with Jared.
“All right, so this one came in about ten minutes ago. Order goes a back toward where you were. Fair warning: the lady who placed the order sounded pissed. If she doesn’t tip you well, let me know.”
I nodded and jogged back over to my car. Once I got inside, I checked the address. He wasn’t kidding. It was maybe ten minutes away from the house party I had just come from. I sighed as I cranked up the music, trying to drown out the rain as it came down harder. I would have to take the hills and corners easier now than earlier. The last thing I needed was to damage my hands with some stupid accident before the big weekend.
I cruised past the house party. It looked like more cars had shown up since I had been there, and despite the weather getting worse, the party seemed to be in full swing.
I took a few more turns and went deeper into the neighborhood until I pulled down a cul-de-sac. I counted the house numbers as I drove until I got to the place that had ordered. Parking at the bottom of the driveway, I quickly readjusted the hood again.
I glanced up at the house. Letting out a low whistle at what I saw. The home had a Gothic style and was completely decked out in decorations for the holiday. Shit, no wonder whoever lived here ordered pizza from Ghouls. She practically lived in the same universe, style-wise.
I grabbed the pizza bag and marched up the driveway, hitting the doorbell. I smirked at the sound. It was a deeper, almost-eerie bell, not cheerful and loud, like most doorbells. Really fitting for this house.