Page 49 of Too Many Beds
I shove at his chest, shushing him. “Fucking hell. You two can’t behave for one damn night.”
“And you’re only making it harder by being a major cock block. What if he’s exactly what we’ve been looking for all this time?”
“He’s not,” I huff out, looking around me, not believing my own words.
“The perfect lock to every key here.” Mitch purses his lips, sitting back on one of the queen beds in his room.
I walk closer to him, shaking my head. “He’s a job and that’s all.”
“If you say so.” Mitch lays back on the mattress, folding his arms behind his head.
“Sounds like someone wants him all to themselves,” Vance says.
“His dad would kill us if we touched so much as a single inch of his body.”
“He can always be the one to do the touching first. Maybe with his mouth.” Vance licks his lips and Mitch laughs.
“I’m going to bed,” I say, turning around and nearly crashing into Oakley on the way back into my room.
“I…You care if I take a shower? I smell like a motorcycle gang.”
I laugh, tugging off my jacket. “Go for it.” I kick off my boots and his eyes rake over my body as I lift my shirt over my head.
“I never took you for a tattoo guy.”
“Yeah, well, people change. And I’m never in one place long enough to keep a scrapbook,” I deadpan.
That earns me a small smile and I can’t stop the flutter from rising inside me.
“Some things apparently stay the same too. You’ve always been super sentimental.” Oakley slides his fingers over my side, touching the bright ink and I shiver. Yeah, my want for him definitely hasn’t lessened. Too bad I can only get him to return those feelings when he has his eyes closed. Or can I even have that anymore? What am I thinking? I can’t allow that either.
I glance down at his moving hand and wrap my fingers around his wrist. “It was our favorite arcade when we were kids.”
Using his other hand, he presses it to my chest. “Is this the traffic sign we stole when we got super wasted on prom night?”
“It is.”
I suck in a breath when he trails his fingers between my pecs and brushes the tips over my belly. “The bridge we used to hang out on when we wanted to escape our parents and everyone else.”
With his wrist still in my hand, I grab his other hand and step away. “That’s enough of taking a trip down memory lane. Go get washed up and let’s get some sleep.” I release my hold on him, yanking my belt from the loops.
“Yeah.” His bottom lip trembles. “I uh…will get on that. It’s good to be sharing a room again. I’ve missed our sleepovers.”
My lips press together and I ignore the warmth surrounding my heart. “Good thing you’ll get your fill this week, then. Night, Oakley.”
“Night.” He turns around and slowly makes his way to the bathroom. As soon as the door shuts, I drop my jeans and crawl under the stiff covers on the hotel bed. Staring up at the ceiling, I count cracks, drifting off to the TV playing in the other room—the loud voices mixing with Mitch’s snoring.
Chapter Three
Iwake up to a warm body pressing against me, and when my eyes flutter open Oakley is lying next to me with his hand moving at a steady speed under the covers. Snores fill the dark room, letting me know the other guys are sleeping, and when I yank down the sheets the little princess is bucking his hips and fucking his fist.
“Touch me,” he says.
My breaths stutter as I adjust myself in my underwear. I look across the room and there’s no shuffling sounds or light coming from where Ambrose is. He’d kill me if I complied, so instead I stay still, putting more of a gap between us. “Go back to your bed, princess.”
“I want you so bad,” he whispers, turning toward me, his partly opened eyes revealed by the moonlight seeping in.