Page 77 of Too Many Beds
Thinking his second orgasm was intense leaves him utterly unprepared for the next one Ranger forces out of him. Lucas comes with a scream, back arching and vision being swallowed by piercing white sparks. After the pressure eases, he remains tormented by aftershocks. Then Ranger flops at Lucas’s side and kisses him with a mouth coated in the slick that gushed outof him—which has never happened before. It’s salty and a bit sweet, and Lucas sucks the taste off Ranger’s tongue while he gently wipes tears from his cheeks.
When Ranger pulls back, he murmurs against Lucas’s lips, “Please accept that as a token of my gratitude for helping us get our ship back on course.”
“Fuck you,” Lucas says, but he still laughs.
“Wrung out yet?” Poe wonders, idly stroking himself.
Lucas takes stock of his numb limbs, twitching fingers, and leaking cunt. “No,” he decides. “Not on your life.”
“Good,” Poe says. “Because I want a shot at that pussy.”
The next time Lucas has a straightforward thought, it’s while watching Creek pump his two middle fingers in and out of Oliver’s ass while Oliver jerks himself, crooning, “Come on, O’. Unless you’ve decided you still hate me.”
Oliver’s response is unintelligible, but Poe’s content to reveal his twin’s secrets, saying, “He never hated you. He was just mad because he thought you didn’t like him back.”
Oliver glares until Creek crooks his fingers, applying pressure to his prostate. “Eyes on me,” he orders.
Underneath Lucas’s cheek, Poe’s chest rumbles with laughter. He’s stroking Lucas’s hair, watching with great amusement as Creek wrecks his twin.
Ranger laughs too, but breathlessly, as he’s still working his cock in and out of Lucas’s ass, having finally stretched him enough to take it. His locs brush Lucas’s back as he rocks, grunting with effort as he gets close. “Gonna come inside you,” he warns.
“You’ll have to clean it up after,” Lucas responds lazily, squeezing his cheeks around Ranger’s length and being rewarded with another slap to his sore ass cheek.
He’s been thoroughly wrung out. After two more orgasms Lucas barely feels human. He’s floating, whole body thrumming with pleased exhaustion after having sweat and squirted the mineral’s effects out of his system. Creek says he can’t promise a second wind won’t hit, but Lucas wouldn’t be entirely opposed if one did.
Ranger’s rhythm stutters, thrusts picking up intensity until he comes with a strangled cry, heat pulsing inside Lucas’s ass. He moans with it, more out of emotional relief than physical pleasure. Everyone else has come already—Poe inside his cunt and Creek across his tits, which he made Oliver lick up while he jerked him. Ranger held out, though, waiting until Lucas was thoroughly used before taking his ass while he declined to do anything but lounge lazily on Poe’s chest.
Oliver cries out a moment later, come shooting from his tip so hard he hits himself in the chin. He continues to writhe while Creek milks him, not letting up, so come continues to ooze from his cock until he’s squirming and whimpering. Creek is much nicer to Oliver than he is to Lucas, so he withdraws his fingers, then licks a line of come off Oliver’s chest. He leans over, and Lucas opens his mouth obligingly so Creek can feed it to him, tongues tangling. Once he’s swallowed, Creek kisses his cheek like a proper gentleman, and allows Lucas to go boneless on Poe’s chest.
Slowly, the four men disengage, leaving Lucas in a fucked-out sprawl on Ranger’s bed. A combination of someones wipe him down, getting him cleaned up before Creek scoops Lucas into his arms and carries him back to Oliver’s bed, which remains mostly clean.
Ranger reappears, fully dressed and unruffled. He smirks at Lucas, then tilts his fingers in a smug salute. “Thanks again for your services, Captain Collingwood. I need to check on my engineer, and collect the rest of my crew to prepare for departure. Should I tell your companion you’ve survived?”
Lucas laughs weakly. He’s not sure how to face Andi after this, but short of leaving with the mining team, he doesn’t have a way to avoid it. “You can tell them, yeah.” Lucas probably ought to make himself decent, so he begins feeling around for his clothes. He finds his shirt, then frowns. “Where did my binder go?” he asks, patting the sheets around him. “I threw it on the bed.”
Creek snorts. “You threw it onmybed, Lucas.”
“I’ll fetch it,” says Oliver, winning an amused—maybe promising—smirk from Creek.
Lucas crumples his shirt against his chest, waiting for Oliver to arrive with his binder. Exposing his breasts for sexual purposes is different than having a conversation with them hanging out. Idly, he comments, “We really got around, didn’t we.”
“Always said this room has too many beds in it,” Poe says, looking around. “Split them up and we’d get more privacy.”
“More privacy means fewer impromptu gang bangs,” Ranger points out cheekily.
As Oliver turns the corner of the bunk, Creek deadpans, “Oh, how will we go on.”
“With significantly drier dicks,” Lucas says noncommittally while reaching out to accept his binder and boxers from Oliver. He quickly wraps the synthskin around his back, placing the flaps against his chest and waiting for it to meld, pressing his breasts flat against his sternum once more. Then he wriggles into his underwear, followed by tugging his shirt over his head. As his head passes through the grey fabric, a thought occurs.“Hey,” he says, fumbling while seeking the left armhole. “I thought of something.”
The four men turn to regard Lucas, all of them dressed, though none looking as put-together as Ranger. They wait expectantly for Lucas to formulate his next sentence, which as fatigue from the last hour or so begins creeping up on him, becomes more difficult than it sounds.
“Your return is already delayed, so no one’s going to know if you linger here a bit longer.”
Ranger cocks a brow. “Why would we do that?”
Lucas’s lips spread in a lazy grin. “Because I guarantee that a pumped-up aphrodisiac made of sexy asteroid mineral dust would sell for damn near as much as all the vastpink you’ve mined, and I’m suspecting your contract doesn’t say anything about turning over any discoveries to the company other than the crystals. You should collect some before leaving. Just a suggestion.”
Then Lucas flops face-first back into the pillows, an exhausted exhale punching out of him. Ranger says something else, but Lucas doesn’t process the words. He hums in a weak attempt at acknowledgement, then lets the intoxicating scent of Oliver’s sheets drag him down into a satisfied sleep.