Page 25 of My Pucking Mate
“We’ll have to figure that out together, but rest assured we will.”
“So that growling feeling? Why did I feel like I was dying?” I ask cautiously.
“Your wolf seems to have been locked inside of you for a very long time. She wants to come out. Our first shift is unfortunately unpleasant, and usually on a full moon as I mentioned before. Some have their first shift as early as four years old, and the latest I've seen was thirteen. The later that first shift is, the more uncomfortable it is. Because she's been trapped for so long, she tried to force the shift unnaturally. She’s also probably overwhelmed between wanting to be released and my presence,” he explains.
I just continue to nod and nibble on my snacks, sharing them with Benny and the twins. If everything wasn't weird enough, can you picture the most gorgeous men you've ever seen, who are also werewolves, sipping out of teacups and having snacks? I’m literally having a tea party with a bunch of hockey playing werewolves, until a thought crosses my mind, “So um, I don’t want to mess with my wolf right now, that hurt really bad but um . . .” I trail off.
“He meant it darlin’, ask us anything,” Benny presses.
Looking only at Roman, I gather my courage to ask, “Can I-can I see your wolf? For two reasons really. One, I need some confirmation that this is happening, even if it's a dream. Two, if this is really happening, I really want to see him.”
The way Roman’s face lights up, tells me everything I need to know before he springs from his chair, “Okay, but let's go up to the roof, do you feel up to it? This is a small room and might be a little cramped for my wolf.”
Full of excitement, even if this is crazy, I hop out of bed a little too quickly on my wobbly legs. Roman notices and scoops me up into a cradle again. Lightning shoots through my skin everywhere we touch, which is currently pretty much everywhere. If it's really always like this, I may never want to walk on my own again.
“I got you little one,” he says as he nuzzles the top of my head before dropping a tiny kiss to my forehead. I melt even further into his arms when I realize that the nuzzling makes a lot more sense now.This is crazy. But . . .I kind of love it. I hope I'm not dreaming after all.
Roman and I finally burst through the door to their rooftop oasis, and he gently sets me down. I was expecting your everyday drab and dark rooftop, but I guess I should remember to expectmore from these men. There’s a large fire pit surrounded by comfy-looking outdoor couches in the far corner. There’s a small greenhouse to my left that looks to be full of all kinds of plant life. And in the corner opposite the fire pit is a giant hot tub.
While I’ve been taking in my surroundings, Roman has moved to the center of the roof and peeled off his shirt.
My eyes take in all of the man before me and for whatever reason, it all makes perfect sense. I knew a man like this couldn’t possibly be human. He looks like a god standing before me with the stars twinkling above us. He smirks like he can read my thoughts, and I’m just thankful not to be drooling. He lets me finish looking over the ridges of all his muscles before he breaks the spell I was under.
“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” he asks with that perfectly gravelly voice.
Another small nod, returned by one of his own.
In barely a moment, his body stretches, elongates, snaps, crunches, sprouts fur, and grows to an unexpected size.The size is another thing Twilight got surprisingly correct; I wonder if a real werewolf was part of the movie production. Or maybe they used real werewolves even, and made up the CGI stuff?
The large cream-colored wolf before me is the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot. I’ve been all over the world looking at the most amazing creatures on the entire planet, and none of them even come close. His mismatched, green and blue eyes stand out even more brightly against his fluffy cream fur.
He approaches me slowly, with his head lowered a bit, since my body doesn’t seem to want to move. I keep telling myself this isn't happening. There's just no way this is happening, right?! But I can see it with my own eyes. I can feel it in my soul.
As soon as he’s within reach, I regain control of my body, and lift my hand to his snout that sits right at eye level with me. His whole body melts under my touch. The tingling feeling of us touching still happening while he's a freaking wolf. His fur is nothing like I expected. I expected thick, coarse hair, more similar to a wild wolf. I have never been happier to be wrong. It’s soft and fluffy and warm as I run my hand up and along the top of his head and in between his ears. Bringing my other arm around, I hug him, and it feels like everything in the world is justright.
Mate,a voice in my mind says, startling me backwards, causing a small whine to escape the magnificent creature in front of me. He nudges my hand with his nose, seeming to ask for an explanation.
“Uh, there was a voice in my mind . . . it . . .er she . . . said mate.”
While I feel like a crazy person, Roman is excited enough his tail is wagging, and his front paws are doing that tappy-dance that dogs do when they're happy. This causes a chain reaction of giggles from me, nuzzles from him, and then more giggles.
We’re interrupted by the door swinging open and an irritated Benny coming through and staring directly at Roman, having another silent conversation.Don’t legends say they can speak to each other telepathically? I’ll have to ask about that.
Benny comes forward with a pair of pants and Roman snatches them from him before I’ve fully processed that he’s human again.Holy shit. I think I just saw his dick.I can feel my cheeks turning red, so I turn around as quickly as I can while he dresses. Liquid fire is spreading throughout my body.Is this a werewolf thing or a really turned-on thing?
“Leera, do you trust me?” he asks, his voice suddenly very serious and . . . worried? Just like that, it feels like someone dumped a bucket of ice water over my head.
I nod, but my worry must be all over my face when he sighs.
“Someone is here and I’m begging you to ignore her, and anything that comes out of her mouth.”
My eyes narrow and I can only nod again but the worry has settled in the bottom of my stomach. It doesn't help that Benny won’t even look at me.
My heart is soaring. For the first time in so fucking long, I amhappy.