Page 41 of My Pucking Mate
“Um, can I help you with something?” I try to ask confidently, but it came out more meek than I intended.
He shakes off whatever strange emotion he was feeling and cracks a wicked grin. “So you must be something special to nab yourself a player like Razboinic.”
The way he says it makes me feel even slimier after the India situation, but I try to keep my face neutral.
“Let me rephrase the question: Is there something useful I can help you with other than gossip? You don’t exactly strike me as the gossipy type, but I guess I’ve been wrong before,” I say with a shrug of indifference.
The laugh that breaks through his lips startles the both of us, which makes me giggle. How long has it been since someone has laughed, if it startles them when they do?
Once he’s regained his composure, he extends his hand to me in a gentlemanly way and says, “I’m Khaos. Khaos Mokotoff. I’m the team captain of the Augusta Vultures.”
I extend my hand, meeting his, trying to place him.
He leans in and leaves a light kiss on the top of my hand, which feels all wrong when I realize who he is.
“You played against them the first home game!” I nearly yell, snatching my hand away from him, “You were the one that hit him!” I snarl, backing away from him. He looks far too pleased with himself that I finally recognized him.
“And you’re the one that was dragged screaming from the arena. I had to meet the little woman that cared so deeply for a giant brute like him.” He has an almost sleazy tone, but it doesn't feel genuine.
Again, my brain is telling me I should be afraid of him, but something inside me says otherwise. Just because I'm not afraid of him doesn't mean I'm going to hang out with someone who could hurt Roman like that.
“I think you should leave.” I say, crossing my arms over my chest.
He doesn’t respond, and he doesn't look like he has any plans of leaving.
Not until one of the employees comes to lead me to the locker room area. I'm thankful for the escape. I just want to see Roman. Too much has happened this evening.
It feels like forever before he comes through the locker room door, his hair still dripping water from his shower. In two giant steps, he’s swooping me in a circle and into his arms. I can’t help the giggle that escapes me, as I’m filled with the warmth and electricity only he can give me.
I release a deep sigh and snuggle closer as he nuzzles into my neck and mumbles, “I’m so fucking sorry, Leera. I’m so sorry for putting you in that position.”
I try to hold on to my anger, but I just can’t. Not with him. “I want to be mad at you, but I can’t. But I also never want to feel like that again. You have to tell her,” I say, trying to reign in my emotions, “she almost made a scene. Basically, she called me the other woman in front of everyone around us. I stood up to her and got her to leave me alone this time, but I don't think I'll be as lucky next time.” I finish, feeling small. Well smaller than I am.
He holds me closer and continues to apologize.
“That’s not all.” I say quietly.
At that, he pulls his head back to look at me and asks, “What do you mean?”
“Khaos came over to talk to me at the end of the game. He just said he wanted to meet me, and he kissed my hand. But he looked at me funny. Like I confused him.”
Roman seems to think for a moment before his expression darkens with something that might be worry.
“I think . . . I think he might have felt a bond with you . . .”
“WHAT?! I don’t want more than one mate!” I say a bit too loudly, forgetting we’re still in a hallway in a hockey arena.
“Let’s get you to the car, and I’ll explain what I think it was,” he says.
“Can't you just tell me what's going on now?!”
“While there are many werewolves here, there are also a lot of humans. Not to mention, if we don't get out of here soon, the press will catch up with us after our display tonight.”
Crap, that makes sense.So I nod and take his hand as he ushers me through the building.
He stops in front of a shining silver Mercedes. I’ve never found cars to be any level of attractive, but of course this man would own a car that feels sexy.
“I don’t remember seeing this one in your garage.” I say, and he opens the passenger door for me to climb inside. I’m about to drop in when I see my name stitched into the seat in pink embroidery.