Page 13 of Missing Pieces
Chapter Eight
The next morning Ivy picks me up for work.
“Hiya,” she says as I climb into her truck, handing me a cup of coffee.
“How was your night?” she asks. I contemplate telling her I totally fell for Easton and she was right, and we are in love, but I feel like that might lead to even more plotting on her part so I just say okay.
She looks over at me and humphs.
We ride in silence the rest of the way to the diner. We open for business and have a busy day. Easton comes in to get his breakfast and coffee, but Ivy handles him, so I didn’t have to speak to him. I did look at him though. Which was a mistake. He was staring at me. A totally burning stare I felt all the way to my toes. I figured two could play at that game, so I accidentally drop something and do the classic “bend and snap.” Except I didn’t know how close the counter was and smack my head on the side of it. Ivy rushes over to me and asks if I am okay. I shake it off and say I’m fine. My cheeks are on fire and I do not want to turn around and look at Easton. I am sure he is laughing at me.
The bell rings signaling an order is ready. I look over and see it’s Easton’s. Ivy just walked away to seat a group of people. I take a deep breath and grab his order and wrap it quickly in a bag. I turn around to give it to him and smack right into his chest nearly dropping his food. His eyes are alight with desire. I step back, take a deep breath and give myself a small pep talk.
You can do this Harper!
Yeah right.
“Here you go.” Wow, real smooth.
He looks me up and down yet again, a smirk growing across his face. That damn smirk! “You know if you want to get my attention you should just strip.” I gasp at his crudeness. “It was real cute though to see you bend over in that short little skirt of yours. Those blue lace panties look sexy. Although they might look better on my floor.”
My hands go to my face. Of course, me being an idiot, decided the bend and snap was perfect in a skirt.
“I hope your head’s okay. If not, I’ll be more than happy to drive you home again today. Maybe make use of that truck bed.” He winks and walks out, leaving me staring at the door.
Fortunately for me, the rest of the day goes smoother than the morning. We stayed busy all day leaving me with a decent amount of money. Maybe I wouldn’t be here as long as I thought at this rate.
Just as Ivy and I are closing up the shop. Easton walks up to us whistling, swinging a set of keys between his fingers.
“Hey, sweet cheeks.” He tosses the keys to me, but they land just short of where I’m standing.
I squat down to pick them up, careful of my skirt this time.
“No show this time,” he grins.
“For Pete’s sake Easton, give the girl a break. You’re coming on too strong. She needs to be wooed.”
“You both need to stop.” They just laugh, and I throw my hands up in the air. “You guys are impossible.”
Easton shrugs. “I got your car running. As long as you don’t go on any long trips, she should be good until you can pay to fix the rest.”
“Thank you. I appreciate what you’re doing for me.”
“No problem darlin’. I parked it in back, so you didn’t have to walk over and get it.”
“Thanks,” I say in surprise. It was only a block away to the auto shop, but I did appreciate the gesture.
He nods at me. “Well, I got more work to do. I’ll see you lovely ladies later.”
I watch as he walks away.
“You know if you wanted to have fun with him you could.”
I look over at Ivy and sigh. “You need to find something else to do with your spare time. You know it’s not going to happen.”
“Whatever you say, sweet cheeks.” I don’t miss the emphasis on the nickname. We reach the back lot and I am so happy when I get in my car and it starts with no problem.