Page 66 of Missing Pieces
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Business at the diner has been booming since the facelift. It’s been two weeks, and me and Ivy feel like we’ve been running in circles. Business has almost doubled and people from all over the county are coming in to eat at The Scrambled Egg. Ivy has even been thinking about buying billboard space so passersby on the highway will come into town for a bite. I am all for the idea because that will help both the diner and the bar, and it will put extra cash in my pocket too.
But Ivy and I can’t handle the diner alone anymore. Trace’s cousin, Dan, just moved back into town so we were able to get him on the grill to help out Luke and Rusty. Ivy had a few interviews for new servers and they’ve all been mediocre at best. She has one more interview today and I am hoping for the best because Easton gets back into town tomorrow after being gone on his monthly trip to visit Raelynn.
I give the last table their check as Ivy emerges from the back room with a quiet redhead following behind her. “Harper you are one lucky bitch!”
I cringe as I glance back at the table behind me as one of the kids asks their mom what a bitch is. Great, Ivy, there goes my tip. Luckily the little boy’s sister responds, “That’s what Daddy calls Mommy all the time.” I try to hold back a laugh and end up releasing a muffled snort. The mom throws cash on the table with a look of embarrassment on her face as she rushes her kids out the door. “Geez Ivy you could have waited ‘til there were no kids around.”
“Meh, they’ll forget about it in ten minutes. My kids haven’t picked up on my swearing. Yet.”
“That you know of,” I snort.
“True. Anyway, let me introduce you to our newest hire, the reason you are a lucky bitch and are free to get your humpin’ on tomorrow. Meet Ariel.”
“Ariel? Are you for real?” I ask as I ignore her sex comment.
“Gosh, Harper she is standing right here, don’t make fun of her name. It’s too bad her parents named her after a mermaid as it is.”
The woman starts giggling before introducing herself. “Hi, I’m Anna May. But you can just call me Anna. Only my momma calls me Anna May.” She reaches her hand out to me and we shake.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Harper, but I’m sure you got that over Ivy’s screaming.” Ivy shoves my shoulder and I wince in humor. “You new to town?”
“Yeah, I just moved in a week ago.”
“Cool. Seems that Ivy here just loves to hire the out of towners.”
She scowls at me but responds, “It’s good for business. Fresh meat.”
We both laugh, and I am sure we’re making Anna uncomfortable.
“Well, Anna thanks so much for comin’ in. We’ll both see you tomorrow at ten a.m. after the morning rush so we can get you acquainted with the diner.” Ivy waves her goodbye as she walks out the door.
“You think she’ll be good?” I ask as I clean up the table that just left.
“Absolutely. She has moved around a lot in the last few years, but she had some great references and she seems to have her head on her shoulders.” Ivy helps wipe down a few tables as we finish up the closing duties. “And now you don’t have to feel guilty about me giving you a few days off to bang the heck out of Easton!”
I stop mid-wipe down. “Please do not tell me you just hired some random girl just so I can hang out with my boyfriend.”
“Your boyfriend you haven’t seen in a week!” She starts putting chairs up on the table. “I can tell you need a good lay.”
I throw my towel at her, but she catches it. “Besides I know you need to go to Summer’s house to make sure the house is ready for the wedding in two weeks. You’ve been pulling double duty between the two. You need a break.”
I yawn as I slump into a chair. Not realizing how tired I’ve been. “I guess you’re right. But I don’t know how much of a break it will be if I’m bangin’ my boyfriend the whole time.”
She throws the towel back at me and laughs as we continue closing the diner.
* * *
It is scorching hot today. I feel like I have sweat off the little bit of makeup I put on as I serve patrons at the diner. Anna did a great job during training and she’s practically a natural in the serving industry. I tap my foot impatiently waiting for one o’clock to hit. I have no idea why I am so anxious to see Easton besides the fact I haven’t seen him in a week. It might have to do with my revelation a few weeks ago, but I pretend it’s not. This entire week he has been gone has made me think more about our relationship and how happy I truly am. Despite the fact he has been gone we’ve talked every night and maybe even had a bit of phone sex once.
Alright twice.
That’s what I’m blaming my anxiety on, the fact that I just want to touch him in person so much.
“You know a watched clock doesn’t move faster.”
I turn my head to Ivy and mock her. “I am pretty sure the correct phrase is ‘a watched pot never boils’ and as far as I can see I ain’t starin’ at any pot.”