Page 107 of Broken Pieces
Easton looks between us all and a light hits his eyes. “The article. He must have read the article about her and put it all together.”
“Fuck,” I yell again as I run to my truck. I realize I don’t have my keys and head back inside.
Easton grabs my arm, “I’ll drive.”
Brett heads to his truck, “You headin’ into town? I can check out Towson. See if he went that way.”
Easton nods his head, “Thanks, man.”
Brett kisses his wife before jumping into his truck.
“I’ll call the sheriff,” my dad says, surprising me. “Easton, do you know what his truck looked like or the plate numbers?”
“Nah. I just remember seeing it pull out my driveway when he first tried to take her. It was an old Ford, maybe a ‘78? Tan and beat up. All I know.”
My dad nods his head. “Good enough. I’ll head into town after I make the call. Keep a lookout.”
“Thanks,” Easton says.
I stare at my dad, and he nods his head at me.
Before I get into the cab of Easton’s truck, I give my dad a hug. He must not be expecting it either, ‘cause I sure as hell don’t know why I hug him. I haven’t hugged him in fifteen years. “Thank you,” I say.
My dad doesn’t answer as he pulls away and walks toward the house where his truck is parked and pulls out his phone.
I keep checking my phone as we head into White Creek, waiting for a signal to appear.
“As soon as we have service, I’ll call Harper. See if she remembers anything from the first time Logan came here.”
“Okay.” I tap my foot on the floor, impatiently waiting. Fear creeps up my neck as I worry about Rae. Earlier I was scared I lost her because of my mistakes. Now I am scared I will never have the chance to win her back because she might not come out of this alive.
Ten more minutes pass and we finally have service. Easton calls Harper through the Bluetooth in his truck.
“Hey babe, did you get Rae? I am just at the store picking up some things for dinner. Little Theo can’t wait to see his daddy!”
“We have a problem, Harp. Rae is missing,” Easton says.
“What? Missing? How could she be missing?”
Easton sighs before responding. “I called to tell her I would be late, but she didn’t answer. Which isn’t surprising because she is never around her phone. But when I got to the house her phone was outside on the ground, her bag packed inside the house, and we found blood in the kitchen.”
“Oh my god. Do you think—”
I cut her off before she can finish. “Do you remember anything that happened when Logan came to your house three months ago? Did he say anything?”
“I—I can’t remember. I hit my head pretty hard. You think this was Logan? I don’t mean to be mean but are you sure she didn’t just run away?”
I growl. “She wouldn’t have run away.”
Easton presses a hand into my chest. “Calm down, Brooks. But no Harp, I agree with Brooks. I don’t think she would have run again.”
“Okay. I’m sorry. But I really can’t remember much of anything.”
“It’s okay, baby. We’ll figure it out. Jud Anderson is calling the sheriff. And then is going to head out looking. Brett headed to Towson in case Logan went that way.”
“How do you know it was Logan?” she asks.
“Summer saw a truck peeling out of the driveway. Her description was vague but sounds like it might be him.”