Page 16 of Broken Pieces
“I don’t need you. Not anymore,” I get out, finding my voice more.
I don’t realize he’s backed me into a wall until I hit one. The sound of Poe barking outside makes me wish I hadn’t let him out earlier.
His hand trails down the side of my face and across my collarbone before he wraps it around my throat. “Then tell me where that box is you took, and this will end well for both of us.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I wheeze.
His hand tightens more around my throat making it harder and harder to breathe. “Lies. I’ve always been able to tell when you’re lying to me.”
“I-I I’m not lying,” I barely choke out.
He releases my throat and backhands me so quickly I hardly know what happens. “You fucking lyin’ bitch. Don’t play games with me. I know you took it and I will do what I need to get it back.”
I hear Harper start to move in the foyer. I am so scared he will hurt her more than he already has, and I am worried about the baby.
He turns his head when he hears the noise too. He moves to turn away and without thinking, I hit him in the face. Unfortunately, not hard enough.
“You fucking bitch!” He hits me again across the face before punching me in the stomach. I fall to the ground as I hear him unbuckle his belt and pull it off. It’s raised above his head as I hear tires driving on the gravel in the driveway.
“Fuck!” he yells before taking off through the back door.
I hear Easton screaming. He must have found Harper on the floor. I try to get up, but the pain is too much. I start coughing as I try to find my breath.
Suddenly, Easton is pulling me into his arms as I hear the loud muffler of a truck peel out of the driveway.
“I’m so sorry, so sorry,” I mumble into my brother’s chest through the tears. I feel Harper’s hands on my back, trying to soothe me.
“Shhh, it’s okay Raely. He’s gone.”
“I brought this here. I never should have come here.”
“You did the right thing Raely, I can’t lose you. That’s what would have happened if you stayed with him.”
Easton scoops me up into his arms and insists we go to the hospital to make sure both me and Harper are alright. Harper lets me sit next to my brother on the drive as I lean my head into his shoulder and cry years worth of tears I’ve never let myself shed.