Page 19 of Broken Pieces
“No, it wasn’t!”
“Whatever. You sound like you are on vacation though.”
“It feels like it now especially because I don’t have Easton breathing down my neck every second. I swear I couldn’t even go out to the treehouse without him asking me what I was doing.”
Tacoma laughs into the phone, “Really? How could he not do that? He is the most overprotective older brother in the world. I’m surprised he hasn’t asked if you are eating your vegetables.”
“Shut up!”
“Ha, I am totally kidding Tacoma. But it is nice to get a break from him. Even though I am literally in the middle of nowhere.”
“But you get to hang out with Summer. That girl doesn’t not know how to have fun.”
“I guess you’re right. I mean I haven’t seen in her in years, but she let me have wine last night with dinner.”
“You better not tell Easton, or he might take you away and send you to a convent.”
“Please, the convent would never let me in.”
“I would pay to see that,” Tacoma laughs into the phone. “But in all seriousness Raely, why did you never call me about Logan? You know I would have flown you to New York. It’s not like my apartment here is huge, but I would have made it work for us.”
I sigh into the phone. Tacoma knew most of what went on with Logan, but she didn’t push me to ever leave. She wanted it to be my decision. And I am so grateful for that. But it was my pride that always got the better of me and didn’t want to take the handouts. “You know why.”
“I know. I am sorry I brought it up. But I am happy you are out of that situation now. Despite the scare that just happened. Do you think he is going to come looking for you again?”
I pick at the comforter of my bed I’m lying on and stare mindlessly at the ceiling. I don’t want to lie to my sister because she is always there for me, but some things are better kept hidden beneath the surface. “I don’t know Tacoma. I don’t know why he would come looking for me anyway.”
“Well, it’s not like he will be able to find you at Summer’s house.”
“Truth. I don’t even know if I could find my way back here if I left. I am starting to question her whole bed and breakfast thing.”
“Ha don’t tell her that! But I think it will work. She told me she might try to do weddings too.”
“She actually has some booked already. It is beautiful here and I can see the appeal. As long as the guests can find their way here.”
“Ain’t that the truth. I thought I was lost getting to her wedding last year,” Tacoma chuckles.
“I just hope she doesn’t want me to bake for the weddings.”
“Wait you’re doing what?”
I roll over on to my stomach with my feet in the air and look out the window. “Oh, I didn’t tell you? I am supposed to help with the bed and breakfast and bake treats for the guests.”
“When did you start baking again?”
“I was helping Ivy out at the diner.”
“I’m so happy for you Rae! You loved baking when you were younger and now…”
I start to tune her out as I stare off into the distance outside. I see a very half-naked man a few hundred feet away hosing himself off. The sun glistens off the water on his chest as it drips down from his hair. He starts to take his boots off which are covered in mud and then realize his pants are also muddied up. His hands go for the button of his jeans and there is no way he is just stripping down outside where anyone could see him?
Sure enough, he turns around and strips his jeans off. And oh god he is completely naked now. I thought he was attractive before with those abs, but those legs and that ass, I almost want to go outside and grab it. Who cares about Easton’s no boys rule, right? What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
“Earth to Raelynn!” I snap out of my daze when I hear Tacoma scream into the phone.
“Oh, ugh, sorry. I got distracted.”