Page 42 of Broken Pieces
Chapter Twenty
Yesterday’s conversation with Brooks was unexpected. We somehow avoided each other for the rest of the day. Hard conversations tend to put me in moods I would rather be alone for. At least I didn’t drink. Instead, I sat out on the deck and watched the stars, hoping I could find some atonement like Brooks said.
I stand in the kitchen pouring milk into my mixing bowl for the next round of cupcakes I need to make when Brooks comes strolling in.
Of course, he is shirtless. And I can’t help but stare at every tanned ab on his body or the gigantic muscles that some people call biceps. His are more like watermelons. My thoughts drift south to his pants and what he is keeping hidden below his belt buckle. I flush at the thought. Maybe Tacoma is right. Do I have a crush on Brooks Anderson?
No way. I cannot be crushing on him. I have a million reasons why I shouldn’t be with anyone. Especially him. I’ve been warned far too much to take the risk. Haven’t I?
My eyes move back up his body to his face. And, oh boy, he hasn’t shaved, and he has that sexy scruff growing in, darker than his brown hair that’s been lightened by the sun. He has that sexy smirk on his lips, he knows I am checking him out. I won’t deny that I am. His eyes are ferocious, the flecks of gold burning in his whiskey eyes, like he wants to devour me.
My self-control is on the verge of disappearing. Since when do I want to let go of everything I am holding back? What is it about him that has me suddenly wishing we were completely alone in this house?
I pry my eyes away from him and turn around to put the milk back in the fridge. I shut the door to the refrigerator and feel his presence at my back.
“I know I am not the only one who feels this,” he whispers against my ear, my back to his front.
I grip the handles of the refrigerator, willing my brain to catch up with my body. “Feel what?”
“Don’t be coy. I know you feel this.”
He slides his hand to my hip, goosebumps flaring across my body. His other hand folds across my chest, my heart racing faster with each movement.
“I can feel your heartbeat, Rae. It’s beating as fast as I mine.”
“I—I can’t do this,” I mutter.
His arms wrap around me tighter. “Let go, Rae, feel this. Feel what is between us.”
I swallow, unsure of how to answer. As his hand makes soft circles on my hipbone, I clench my thighs together. Such small movements but they turn my blood to fire. I let go of the refrigerator and grip his arm.
“I don’t know when this happened. I don’t know how this hate we’ve been fighting so hard to hold onto turned to lust, but it has. I know you feel it too,” he says.
I can only nod as I relax into his chest just a little. His breath a whisper against my neck. I don’t want to want this, but I do. I want to feel his lips on mine. I want to feel him what it’s like to be wrapped up in him.
I am about to give in and turn around in his arms when I hear voices in the dining room. Brooks pulls away. It takes me a few minutes to gather my thoughts and my wits but eventually I turn around.
I shouldn’t be surprised to see Brooks is gone.
I am not even sure if what just happened was real or a daydream. And I don’t know which I wish it was.
“Oh hi, Raelynn, right?” one of the guests asks me as they walk into the kitchen.
“Hi. Yes, that’s me, good ol’ Raelynn. Just in here baking. Can I help you with something?” I have no idea why I am rambling, I rarely do. Maybe it has to do with the fact I almost kissed Brooks. Or maybe the fact I almost got caught. At least it’s a guest.
The man smiles at me. “My wife and I were going to take the horses out for a ride and have a picnic. Summer said something about it being prepared.”
I scramble around the kitchen. “Yes absolutely. I just need to put it in a basket for you and someone in the stables will put it in a saddlebag. Did you want wine with it?”
“That would be lovely. How about some red?”
“Sure thing.” I run around the kitchen and grab a few things to put in the basket before handing it off. He thanks me and leaves. I slump against the counter, trying to catch my breath as I fan myself with a towel.
“You alright?” I hear Summer say.
I open my eyes, thinking of something to say. “Yeah, just a bit warm in here.”