Page 51 of Broken Pieces
Chapter Twenty-Two
She isn’t cooking breakfast quickly. In fact, I think she is intentionally cooking as slow as possible. And every time she bends over to grab something, she has to shake her damn ass. I might need to go back home to whack one off before everyone notices my dick that is standing at full mast.
I could really murder Summer right now for suggesting we have a big breakfast this morning. All I want is for everyone to get the hell out of this house so I can drag Rae back to the cottage where she belongs and show her every way I want her body right now.
I suck my lip into my mouth as she ‘accidentally’ drips the frosting for cinnamon rolls on her chest. She pulls her shirt down over her pink nipple, her finger caressing it as she wipes the frosting off her breast. She licks her finger, her eyes focused on me. I can’t control myself anymore. I jump off my stool and round the island and lick her breast myself. She groans, pressing her chest into me. I move my way up her neck and reach her mouth. Our breathes are one as we stare into each other’s eyes. I go to claim her mouth when we hear a creak in the floor.
Both of us fly apart. I run back to my stool as she walks over to the refrigerator.
“You two are up early?” Summer says as she saunters into the kitchen.
I sip on the coffee in front of me. “Yeah and we are both usually up at the crack of dawn anyway.”
“Did you two sleep okay last night?” I don’t like the way she is questioning us. I am sure she suspects something since she always seems to interrupt us.
Rae saves me from trying to come up with an answer. “I miss that bed. Brooks’ guest bed is like lying on rocks. I’ve never slept better. I think I might need to move back in.”
Rae smirks at me over her coffee cup. If she finds it funny that she would move out of the cottage then maybe I’ll just put the bed she is sleeping on in storage, so she has to sleep in mine. It’s not a bad idea.
“Nope. No way,” Summer states. “You already moved out, you are staying where you are. I don’t want to update any of the listings or websites again. Buy a new bed for all I care but you ain’t coming back.”
“Wow Sum, that was a little harsh,” I say.
Rae just laughs, “I’m kidding Summer. I like not living in the same house I work in. It’s weird running into guests in the hall.”
That makes me smile, although I am seriously considering removing her bed altogether.
“Smells good in here, Raely,” Easton says as he walks in the kitchen. Now I really just want to get this breakfast over with. I feel like I can’t even look at Rae without Easton sending me stern looks. He has no reason to believe anything is going on between us. Hell, he doesn’t even know Rae isn’t living in this house. But I know he doesn’t trust me and will always be watching over everything I do when he can.
Within a few minutes, everyone has joined the rest of us in the dining room, including Harper and Theo, for breakfast. Rae made us a feast; pancakes, egg casserole, fruit salad, biscuits and gravy, and of course those cinnamon rolls.
I help her bring everything into the dining room and am one of the last to sit down. She is sitting next to her brother and I am sitting across from her. Now I can’t send her dirty looks and shy glances that I know will turn her on. I know it worked last night when I was doing it. I saw how much she would shift her body, crossing and uncrossing her legs, the way she would bite her lip when she would look at me. The sexual tension between us was intense and even though we finally had our moment this morning, it wasn’t enough to relieve the ache that I know is still inside both of us.
Unfortunately for me, Rae is intolerable at breakfast. She manages to reach her short legs across the table to mine, rubbing her feet up and down my calf. And the glances she sends me are over the top. It is like middle school all over again as I watch her shove half a sausage link in her mouth before removing it. Summer must have noticed too because she coughs to get Rae’s attention and the sausage is suddenly swallowed. Maybe that is also a sign of what is to come, literally.
Easton doesn’t lollygag after breakfast as he wants to get Harper and the baby home. Soon enough everyone else is leaving and I pull Rae out of the kitchen.
“Not so fast you two,” Summer says appearing out of nowhere. “I like to know what is going down in my house. I don’t like to be kept in the dark. And I know something is going on between y’all.”
I see Rae swallow, panic settling into her face. She is probably worried Easton will find out from Summer. I go to answer Summer as Rae drops her hand from mind casually stepping away from me.
When neither of us says anything Summer adds, “But until I see the act actually happen, I am just gonna keep on thinkin’ y’all still hate each other.”
We both nod at her.
“And I really don’t want to see either of y’all’s naked butts so please keep it out of public places.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Rae answers.
“Sure you don’t, sweetheart. ‘Cause there ain’t nothin’ to say.” With that, she turns around and heads out of the kitchen. She pops her head back around the corner and says with a wink, “Have a fun afternoon off.”
I don’t want to risk anyone else popping into the kitchen, so I grab Rae’s hand once more and this time drag her out the door.
The second we are outside she pulls her hand out of mine and nods to one of the farmhands by the barn. I let her walk in front of me to the cottage as I stare at her ass the whole time, her cheeks making an appearance as she climbs the porch steps. The anticipation of what’s to come causes me to close the gap between us as we step onto the porch. She opens the door and walks in. She barely makes it a foot before I am slamming the door behind me. I am about to grab her and pull her into me. When she turns around while pulling off her tank top.
I stare at her perfect small tits as her hands caress her own body as they reach her shorts. She dips a finger beneath her shorts and groans. I know she is touching herself and I know she is wet by the way she moans.