Page 60 of Broken Pieces
She hands Theo back over to Harper and turns to face the table, “Now which of y’all need a shot to celebrate Raely’s birthday?”
Everyone whistles and cheers as Tacoma heads toward the bar pulling Easton with her.
With the two of them out of earshot, Brooks whispers in my ear, “Happy Birthday Raely!”
I push him off me, “You do not get to call me that.”
“Why not?”
“It was my childhood nickname. Coming from them it’s endearing, from you it sounds dirty.”
He smirks at me, “Oh I can make it dirty.”
I push him away in time for my siblings to head back to the table with a tray of shots and beers.
Everyone lifts their glasses as they cheer to my birthday.
We spend a few hours at the bar laughing and having fun. I manage to keep Brooks off me most of the night. Although the more I drink, the more I want his touch. He only had two drinks and I know he thinks it’s funny to tease me while I am slightly intoxicated and he’s sober.
Harper and Easton decide to head out so they can put the baby to sleep. I look over at Summer who is sipping on a glass of water. I glance between my brother and my sister trying to signal that she needs to tell Tacoma she needs to go with Easton.
But just like Tacoma always has been, she insists she is not ready for this party to end and suggests we have it continue at Summer’s house.
I pull Summer aside as everyone pays their tabs. “What the hell, Summer? You can’t have her stay with us, she will find out about Brooks and I.”
“Well, when I invited her to stay when she told me she was coming I wasn’t thinking straight.”
I stare her dead in the eyes. “You told her she could stay at the house the entire week she is here?”
“In hindsight, it wasn’t my best decision, but honestly I didn’t know what was going on between you and Brooks when I invited her.”
I roll my eyes. “Yeah but she’s already pissed that I am living in the cottage with Brooks. She will sniff out that something else is going on between us.”
Summer sighs, “Oops.”
“Oops!” I shriek at her. “What the hell, Summer?”
“Tell him not to leave bruises on your hips this week,” she smirks. “And for your information, I just texted my sister to have her come over. You know Laney and Tacoma are best friends. Once those two are together, there won’t be any booze left in the house so she won’t even notice if you are with Brooks.”
She brings up a good point. I look over at Brooks who is watching me. I bite my lip think of all the dirty things he will do to my body later. “Fine. You’re right. But please take her with you in your truck.”
She follows my line of sight and laughs. “I can’t wait to see you try to keep your hands off him in front of her.”
“You are the only one who knows about us Summer. Not even Brett. So, don’t you even try to spill the beans.”
She grabs my shoulder. “Honey, it’s your birthday. I won’t let no one know about your little secret. But I’m not sure I can find a reason to convince Tacoma why you need to ride with Brooks.”
We all leave the bar and head to the parking lot to get in our vehicles. Luckily, Ivy and Trace won’t be coming over to the house since they need to get back home to relieve their babysitter. I am glad I only have to watch out for Tacoma and Brett as we go to continue the party on the farm.
Tacoma already threw her suitcase into the back of Brett’s truck. I start to walk toward Brooks’ truck hoping she won’t say anything, but I knew I hoped for too much. “Aren’t you riding with us?”
I should. I haven’t seen my sister in over a year. But the buzz I have going on is making me want to put my hands all over Brooks. “I—ugh…”
Brooks jumps in his truck and starts it without looking at me. I know he is pissed. I promised him a treat for the ride home. I think he is about to leave when he rolls his window down. “Laney just told me she needs a ride. She’s at The County Line. Do you want me to pick up Laney or do you want to?” he asks Summer.
“We can do it,” Summer answers quickly.
Brett rolls his eyes making me wonder if he might know if there is something going on between me and his brother.